Israeli Member of Knesset expresses desire to establish Jewish communities in Gaza

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In a recent statement, Israeli Member of Knesset (MK) Shuli Moalem-Refaeli expressed her desire to see Jewish settlements established in the Gaza Strip. Moalem-Refaeli, who represents the right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, believes that the establishment of Jewish communities in Gaza would both strengthen Israel’s security and assert the country’s sovereignty over the area.

The Gaza Strip has been a contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. It was under Israeli occupation from 1967 until 2005, when the Israeli government unilaterally withdrew its military and evacuated all Jewish settlements from the territory. Since then, Gaza has been governed by the militant group Hamas, which has been engaged in multiple conflicts with Israel, including launching rockets and engaging in violent protests at the border.

Moalem-Refaeli’s proposal to resettle Jews in Gaza has received mixed reactions from both the Israeli and Palestinian communities. Supporters of the idea argue that it would help secure Israel’s southern border and create a stronger Jewish presence in the heart of the historic Land of Israel. They also argue that Jewish settlements in Gaza would strengthen Israel’s territorial claims and preempt any potential Palestinian statehood aspirations over the territory.

However, opponents of the proposal argue that resettling Jews in Gaza would be a provocative and destabilizing move that could further exacerbate tensions with the Palestinians. They also argue that it would be unrealistic and logistically challenging to implement, given the current political and security situation in Gaza.

The international community, including the United Nations, has long maintained that Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, including Gaza, are illegal under international law. The establishment of new settlements in Gaza would likely be met with widespread condemnation and could further complicate efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through negotiations.

It is important to note that Moalem-Refaeli’s proposal is just one among many ideas put forward by Israeli politicians regarding the future of Gaza. The issue is deeply complex and remains a subject of intense debate and disagreement within Israeli society.

Regardless of whether Moalem-Refaeli’s proposal gains traction, it underlines the ongoing challenges and complexities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The future of Gaza and its relationship with Israel remains a deeply contentious issue that will require careful consideration and nuanced diplomacy to address.

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6 months ago

Thats Satan talking.

6 months ago

The blood and tears of Palestinians are in the land so you will be eating food grown in Palestinian blood and drinking water filled with Palestinian tears

6 months ago

That the Zionist Ideology no matter how many civilian will be dead

6 months ago

as an israeli i can tell you that the translation is totally incorrect 😂😂😂
This islamic channel MME should look on the problems of the Arab world before he talks bout Israel 😂😂

6 months ago

She’s delusional

6 months ago

If you come and settle in gaza you'll regret the whole life and gazans our true belived brothers will make settlement life hell into it

6 months ago

These fers arent even hebrews they are satan worshipping europeans solomon wasa devil worshipper thats why theywant to build third temple

6 months ago

The Zionist plan and Allah plans but Allah is the best of planner.

6 months ago

War crime

6 months ago

Spero che tutto il male che fanno gli ritorni moltiplicato per 1000 … strega maledetta! Free Palestine 🇵🇸

6 months ago

The problem its their ego, they think and believe that they are the only human beings God created. The same God has hardened their lives not to think of others like HE did with Pharaoh

6 months ago

Zionist lobby is so strong that entire world leaders can not do anything with these atrocities?! Who do we scared of?! I cannot understand why jew people became supremacy race?!

6 months ago

There are many different religions in the world other than the Abrahamic religions and many people have travelled to different countries in the world and experienced other cultures. How many of these different religions see this woman as a ‘Chosen’ person? Billion dollar question! Also can those Billion plus convert to Judaism and be allowed to settle in Israel as well?

6 months ago

Her excitement is all too evident..

6 months ago

Nice statement, lets test her DNA now !!!!

6 months ago

So they lived without pride for how many thousand years until American imperialism showed up and put them there. They make context and culture for colonialism, and they're the one fall for it.

6 months ago

😂😂😂😂😂 crazy

6 months ago

I pray this evil plan of you never comes true… How could you genuinely think you are chosen and everyone else don't matter, that's just pure arrogance

6 months ago


6 months ago