Israeli Prime Minister expresses ‘displeasure’ with Russia’s stance on Israel

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Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has expressed his “displeasure” at Russia’s position against Israel in a recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting comes amid rising tensions between Israel and Russia over the situation in Syria and Iran’s nuclear program.

During the meeting, Bennett reportedly raised concerns about Russia’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has been a long-time ally of Iran. Israel has repeatedly expressed its opposition to Iran’s presence in Syria and its support for Assad’s regime, which has been accused of human rights abuses and war crimes.

In addition to Syria, Bennett also reportedly discussed Russia’s stance on Iran’s nuclear program, which has been a major source of concern for Israel. Russia has been a key player in the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, leading to the 2015 nuclear deal that Israel strongly opposed. With talks ongoing to revive the deal, Israel has been urging world powers to take a tough stance on Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

In response to Bennett’s concerns, Putin reportedly reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to maintaining a “balanced” approach to the situation in the Middle East. However, he also stressed the need for all parties to exercise restraint and avoid escalating tensions in the region.

The meeting between Bennett and Putin comes at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions, with Israel facing multiple security challenges in the region. From the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza to the ongoing unrest in the West Bank and the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program, Israel is navigating a complex and precarious security situation.

In light of these challenges, Israel places great importance on its relationships with key international players, such as Russia. Despite their differences on certain issues, Israel and Russia have maintained a relatively stable and pragmatic relationship in recent years, with both countries sharing the goal of preventing further instability in the Middle East.

However, the recent meeting between Bennett and Putin underscores the complexities of Israel’s relationships with its international allies. As Israel seeks to navigate its security challenges, it must carefully balance its relationships with countries like Russia, which may have conflicting interests in the region.

Moving forward, it remains to be seen how Russia’s position on key issues in the Middle East will impact its relationship with Israel. As tensions continue to simmer in the region, Israel will likely continue to engage with Russia and other key players in an effort to safeguard its security interests. At the same time, Israel will continue to advocate for its positions on issues such as Iran’s nuclear program and Iran’s presence in Syria, even as it navigates the complexities of its relationships with its international allies.

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6 months ago

Israelis take it up the 0

6 months ago

Matter of fact Netanyahu Ki ma chudd gai hai…!!! 😂😂

6 months ago

Ismail Haniyeh says he needs the blood of GAZANs including women, babies, children, all GAZAN blood, and hamas is not taking blood of Palestinians, Palestinians are willingly sacrificing their blood. Khaled Mashal says GAZANs should not need told their blood is needed, they should know this. Khaled Mashal said he didn't communicate with Arab countries because they know he is right. Khaled Mashal also said Kidnapped baby hostages are PRISONERS not hostages. Ghazi Hamad said the Palestinian blood hamas spills is not a problem for him because hamas is justified in everything they do. Ghazi Hamad also said he plans to repeat Oct 7th over and over so what he is really saying is as long as there is one drop of Palestinian blood to take he plans on taking it. AlJazeera before you spread the propaganda you need to speak with at least these 3 hamas leaders and Sinwar if he is not to scared to poke his head out of his hole to make sure your lies don't conflict with their truths. Talk to hamas Aljazeera

6 months ago

netanyahu is like the jewish version of Hitler

6 months ago

Disconnect Russia who put you at a game. Let him lost his ground in Syria

6 months ago

On Israel, I agree 100% with President Putin. Nutnyahoo is a POS!

6 months ago

Russia will always support Israel over Iran. On the surface Russia & China show solidarity with Palestine, Iran etc but Israel & friends have more money

6 months ago

IDF means ( Israeli diaper force )

6 months ago

Israel is terrorist
Israel is criminal
Israel is killer

6 months ago

This Israeli army investigator said to an Israeli interviewer in an Israeli TV channel that in the 7th of October actions of Hamas, Hamas only killed some Israeli soldiers and left and later who came and rape women are Israeli locals. This is another additional proof the extremist Netanyahu did lie as he always do since he came to power in Israel in 1999, he also has been convicted for lie before the Israeli judiciary for various local internal matters. The extremist Netanyahu phoned Putin few days ago claiming that no country can tolerate what Hamas did on 7th of October. He tries to refer to his previous lie about Hamas actions that included raping women to beg for Putin's sympathy. The extremist Netanyahu also tries to deceive Putin by this allegations of this phone call while Israel secretly helped another Jewish extremist Zelenisky against Russia which caused several deaths amongst innocent both Russians and Ukrainians people. By this phone call, he also tries to push Putin to ignore the statement of a senior member of Netanyahu party who said 4 weeks ago that the next move of Israel after destroying Gaza completely is to destroy Moscow. Netanyahu is the worst lier the world has witnessed among leaders in the last 4 or 5 decades and the worst war criminal in terms of claiming that he is innocent while killing a very very large number of innocent people in Gaza chamber which is nowadays Gas chamber made by Netanyahu. The creator who created us so he knows everyone and every group of people said in verse 62 of chapter 5 "Almaeda" talking about some Jews : "Whenever they kindle or ignite a fire of war, God extinguishes it". I think this applies in today’s era to some people such as Zelenisky, Blinken and Netanyahu who did lie about what actually Hamas did on the 7th of October to justify a war on Gaza to destroy it and kill a very very large number of innocent people in Gaza chamber. What Hamas did on the 7th of October was 100% correct legitimate resistance according to the International Law. They did this action as a resistance to the endless occupation due to Netanyahu refusal to return the Palestinians land outside the Israeli boarders of 1967 and keeps blocking the peace process continuously since he came to power in Israel in 1999. It is quite clear that innocent Jewish people are innocent from this activities of the extremist Jewish individuals within the Jewish community whether in Israel or the Jewish community in the world. Resistance and criticism and legal actions for these extremist Jewish individuals should be selective. From day one when I heard Netanyahu claiming that Hamas militants raped women while attacking Israeli outside Gaza. I had a feeling that he must be lying. Because I know the way of thinking of Hamas they never do that because they take their resistance from a religious standing point so raping women is completely outside any probability that a Hamas fighter may think to do at all. We in the middle east familiar with Netanyahu since he came in power in 1999. He always lies. Netanyahu has intentionally used this false allegation about raping etc. to justify killing a very large number of innocent civilians Palestinians and used Blinken to deceive Biden in this regard to obtain Biden’s support to the Israeli military action. Netanyahu did that intentionally so he is one of the most serious war criminals humanity has witnessed from its start on this planet until now. He has intentionally killed 19000 innocent civilians Palestinians by intentionally putting forward a lie allegation and used it as justification.

6 months ago

Sir 33 question ku 1955to1967

6 months ago

Sense of impunity will have to give, sooner or later.

6 months ago

Like if Putin is even giving a single fu//ck about Netanyahu😂

6 months ago

Long Live Palestine🇵🇸❤. Long Live Russia🇷🇺.

6 months ago

Putin started the war in Israel and Gaza. Why would Israel be happy with Putin? That would be stupid.

6 months ago

Matthew 21 43 land taken away from Jesus said so words in red ♥️

6 months ago

Even if God comes down to Satanyawho he will rebel..such is his DNA.. Reprobated and Delusional to self-destruction..

6 months ago

hypocritical to call out the Israeli, when they wrote the book on how to take out a marked house in Aleppo , by using dumb bombs to level the whole street , the very same city where the Former UN sec General Ban Ki Moon repeatedly called the Russians barbaric for their indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure in Syria , the same tactics used in Ukraine today ! note , remember Assad's liberal use of barrel bombs , fully supported by Putin !

6 months ago

Do Not Give Opportunity to Get Advantage of this situation. Please. (to occupiers of Ukraine)

6 months ago

Russia 🇷🇺