Israeli Soldiers Trapped in House by Hamas, House Blown Up; IDF Tanks Destroyed at Alarming Rate in Gaza

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On Cam: Hamas Traps Israeli Soldiers In House, Blows It Up; 1 IDF Tank Destroyed Every Hour

In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, a new disturbing video has emerged showing Hamas militants trapping Israeli soldiers in a house and then blowing it up. The video, which was released by Hamas, shows the militants using a network of tunnels to ambush the Israeli soldiers.

The incident is just one of many in the escalating violence between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The conflict began with protests and clashes over the long-standing Israeli blockade of Gaza, but has since escalated into a full-scale war with both sides exchanging rocket fire and airstrikes.

In addition to the shocking video, there are reports that 1 IDF tank is being destroyed every hour by Hamas militants. This is a troubling development for the Israeli military, which relies heavily on armored vehicles for ground operations in the densely populated Gaza Strip.

The destruction of Israeli tanks is a major blow to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and is a sign of the effectiveness of Hamas’s guerrilla tactics. The militants have been using a combination of tunnels, drone attacks, and anti-tank missiles to target Israeli military vehicles.

The IDF has responded with heavy airstrikes and artillery fire, but the death toll on both sides continues to rise. Civilian casualties are also mounting, with reports of schools, hospitals, and residential buildings being targeted in the crossfire.

The international community has called for a ceasefire, but so far, both sides have shown no sign of backing down. The United Nations has warned of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with thousands of civilians fleeing their homes and seeking refuge in overcrowded shelters.

The situation is dire, and there is a growing concern that the conflict could spiral into a wider regional war. The violence has already spilled over into neighboring countries, with rocket attacks being launched from Lebanon and Syria.

As the violence rages on, the world is watching and hoping for a resolution to the conflict. The human cost of the fighting is devastating, and it is crucial that both sides come to the negotiating table to find a peaceful solution to the long-standing conflict.

In the meantime, the people of Gaza and Israel continue to suffer as the violence shows no signs of abating. The international community must step up its efforts to bring an end to the bloodshed and prevent further loss of life.

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6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Hey IDF,a bot different than bullying civilians in Hebron eh?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Rijaal Rijaal Rijaal

Allah loves you and we love you. Victory is yours Palestinian insha Allah

6 months ago

God have mercy on us. But the hell is not far from those who follow the brutal politician instead of God

6 months ago

Allah es grande!!

6 months ago

No time to play games,Mr H teaching IOF the real thing.

6 months ago

propoganda vid not verified

6 months ago

No matter what the Wickeds Hearts say palestina will be free

6 months ago


6 months ago

I like your comment unverified 😮😮!!!???

6 months ago

You must have got tired of telling lies about the Ukraine war and have now moved on to telling lies about the Israeli Hamas war . One IDF tank destroyed every hour is pure fantasy .

6 months ago

Free free Palestine
Always Palestine freedom like to fighting with enemy but Israeli soldiers most of the time fighting with innocent people and children

6 months ago

While I feel for the people of Gaza I also know the fats of wars. Hamas has instigated this war by their actions in Israel. They knowingly triggered this bloodbath to get the world behind them. We really cannot condone what Hamas had done and what is happening in Gaza now. Israel cannot be expected to sit back and not do a thing. We look to have lasting peace.

6 months ago

IDF only knows how to fight Palestinans civilians especially women and children. They scared shitless if fighting real soldiers.

6 months ago

Video is fake, taken from video game.

6 months ago

Insha Allah ( God Willing) victory will be with the truth the people of Gaza and all the Palestinian People.

6 months ago

omg Ghosts

6 months ago

Israël reel terroristes devil in this world