Israelis to Help ‘Demilitarise’ Gaza and Promote Non-Violence towards Jews

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In recent years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been marked by violence and bloodshed, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian militant group, Hamas, has been at the forefront of this violence, launching rocket attacks and inciting riots against Israeli civilians and security forces. In response to these attacks, the Israeli government has taken a strong stance, vowing to “de-radicalise” Gaza and teach its people not to murder Jews.

One of the key aspects of this de-radicalisation effort is the demilitarisation of Gaza. The Israeli government has long maintained that Hamas has been stockpiling weapons and using them to wage war against Israel. In order to ensure the safety and security of Israeli citizens, it is imperative that these weapons are removed from Gaza and that the territory is demilitarised. This will not only prevent further violence and bloodshed, but it will also pave the way for long-term peace and stability in the region.

However, the demilitarisation of Gaza is not the only component of the Israeli government’s plan to de-radicalise the territory. Education and outreach are also key aspects of this effort. The Israeli government has committed to working with the Palestinian people to promote understanding and tolerance, and to combat the hateful rhetoric and incitement to violence that has been so prevalent in Gaza.

“We will not rest until every Palestinian child grows up in an environment of peace and tolerance, rather than one of hatred and violence,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We will work tirelessly to de-radicalise Gaza and to teach its people that the murder of Jews is not a solution to their problems.”

This commitment to de-radicalisation and demilitarisation is a crucial step towards a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. It sends a clear message that violence and hatred will not be tolerated, and that both sides are willing to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Of course, achieving these goals will not be easy, and there will undoubtedly be obstacles and challenges along the way. However, the Israeli government is committed to this path, and is calling on the international community to support these efforts.

In the end, it is in the best interest of both the Israeli and Palestinian people to work towards a peaceful coexistence. By de-radicalising Gaza and demilitarising the territory, both sides can take a significant step towards that goal. It is our hope that the Palestinians will embrace this opportunity for a better future and join us in working towards a peaceful and prosperous coexistence.

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6 months ago

So ugly

6 months ago

And now a 10 month old baby and his sibling and father were just confirmed killed. What a disgrace.

6 months ago

The American people do not support this 🤡.

6 months ago

I love this guys propaganda😂. He is so full of 💩.

6 months ago

Israel is still lying and delusional 😂.

6 months ago

As long as there is Isreal and US there will never be peace in the world. Joe Biden said that if there wasn’t an Isreal we would have to create one.

6 months ago

In Palestine (the former British Protectorate) there is already two states, Israel & Jordan).

6 months ago

Netanyahou, in 2015, said that a Palestinian leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, persuaded the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust and it wasn't Hitler's own decision. WWII wasn't about just the Jews as Hitler himself was a Jew. Nazism was a racist ideology based on eugenics and it was mainly the darker skinned Jews and other non-whites who perished while the fairer Jews and half Jews managed to survive. If you look at Israel today, the native brown skinned Arab Jews constitute less than 11% of the population. The rest are white Europeans. Israel doesn't want darker Jews from Ethiopia or south Asia.
Also there is. genetic law that prohibits Israelis because they don't want to reveal that most of them, today, are of European breed. USA, Ukraine were the only two countries who voted against the resolution, entitled "Combating Glorification Of Nazism, Neo-Nazism And Other Practices That Contribute To Fueling Contemporary Forms Of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, And Related Intolerance" in 2015 and this year there was another resolution on condemning Nazism and US+Canada+UK+Norway+EU+Suisse+Georgia+Ukraine rejected the resolution. Also Israel has not been invaded by anyone as the Palestinian territories remain under the illegal occupation of Israel.
Did you ever wonder what really happened to the Nazis at the end of WWII? Many were allowed to flee to South America or settle in the US and were given important positions in the US government and also in European countries. Their industries survive till today: Mercedes-Benz: Daimler Chrysler, Volkswagen: Porsche, Audi, Ford, General Motors, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, JP Morgan Chase, Allianz, Bertelsmann, Robert Bosch, Siemens, BASF, Dassault, Krupp, General Electric, BAE Batterien, L'Oréal, Swarovski, Cristian Dior, Coco Chanel, Hugo Boss, Bayer, Dow Chemical, Shell, Wintershall, Kodak, Carl Zeiss, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Oetker, Nestlé, Coca Cola, SNCF, Telefunken, IBM,
Associated Press, Ikea, Adidas, Puma

6 months ago

British Gov and its media especially owned by (Murdoch) are the last to have the right to express their opinion or position into the catastrophic they created by their colonization of Palestine,

when they gave what they do not own, to who not deserve on the expense of the indigenous exactly what they did, with the aboriginals and red Indians,

their colonization filthy hand left spots of shame everywhere. as their media still operating based on their colonization dirty history.

6 months ago

God give us all the strength to see through the smoke and mirrors of deception and propoganda, that's shoved down our throats day by day.

6 months ago

Awful weak interview, embarrassing she's so scared of being called anti semetic.

6 months ago

The nonsense about babies and raped women have been debunked but still he lies. After this we need trials for war crimes.

6 months ago

Lies, lies and more lies. This is how you know Nana is no journalists

6 months ago

Jews zaionist allowed to kill palastinian babies, but palastinian not allowed to defend their children from zaionist killers, you must be lunatic to think,

6 months ago

Hmm. Some of the uses of radicalisation

6 months ago

Human Rights Watch… 5,500 Gazan children killed since October 7. Nothing radical about that? zionlandmurders

6 months ago

Nana, please permit me to share a comment I left with US media.

Please apply to where you live as you see fits.:




"It is honorable to lie to infidels."

*Americans, Westerners, all non muslim, non Nazi, non Progressive, communists, Christians, and Jews are classified as "infidels".

Forgotten Supreme Companion to the above:

"Tell a lie big enough long enough and people will come to accept it as truth."
-Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to
Reich's Minister of Propaganda, Josef Goebels.

Now you know 2 reasons why people are lying, and how they are executing a "Slow Insurrection From Within" right infront of us.

Stop being naive. Grow up.

Hitler & the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem established a covenant in 1941 to unite Iraq, Syria, & Palestine.

This covenant is reflected in Nazi patches with a RAINBOW, in mockery of God, Christianity and Judeism.

Hitler was revered and worshipped as a god. This remains true to this day.

The Arab League believed that Hitler's hands held the 'balm for their wounds which had been inflicted upon them by the enemies of Germany: jews, communists & the UK, specifically.

A muslim is forbidden from speaking ill of another muslim to an infidel.

Therein lies the peril to our national security – under islam, there are no other laws nor constitutions sovereign over islam.

Every muslim sworn into office to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, lied.

Don't chastize them for lying – they were being honorable under tenants of their faith.

Chastize our National Security and Intel apparatus first – for failure bordering on deliberate collusion to undermine the sovereignty of the State.

The faith of national leadership, matters greatly.

Imagine how much Soros could accomplish "directing from za bunka while someone else says his words"

The scandal wasn't Obama's birth certificate – it was that Obama was  Soros' puppet –  as were all the Progressive leaders around the world.

Why has the reporting of terror incidents plummeted as crime has skyrocketed since 2014?"

6 months ago

Whos going to teach the JEWS not to MURDER Palestinians? Who's going to teach them to stop raping? Who's going to stop them kidnapping children and locking them up in prisons for years claiming they're prisoners? Who's going to stop them from stealing land? Homes? Businesses? Israel have been the bullies for decades, and act the victim. They're narcissistic, gaslighting the world into believing they are the victim. They're hiding behind their history. They faced a genocide and now they're commiting it themselves. Shameful bullies. They often say those who were bullied become the bully. #freepalestine

6 months ago

How can anyone de-radicalise a religion? full of backward stoneage nutters.

6 months ago

You disgust me. Why did Israel fund Hamas? Palestinian children have been shot in the head for throwing stones or imprisoned by Israel. The list of atrocities against the Palestinians is endless.
What is your role, exactly? A black woman is used to promote the establishment message. Ye gods, you don't see anything wrong with that? Do you know what integrity is? I'm sure that you know what a sell-out is.