Israel’s Only Hope is Divine Intervention – Jeremy Gimpel

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In a recent interview, Jeremy Gimpel, a prominent Israeli political commentator and religious activist, expressed a sobering opinion on the current state of Israel. Gimpel stated that only God can save Israel now, as the nation faces increasing threats and challenges from both within and outside its borders.

Gimpel’s comments come at a time when Israel is grappling with a variety of issues, including ongoing conflict with Hamas, political turmoil within the country, and pressure from the international community. The recent escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip has reignited fears of a full-scale war, and tensions between Israeli and Palestinian communities continue to rise.

In the face of these challenges, Gimpel’s statement emphasizes a deep sense of reliance on divine intervention. He believes that the issues facing Israel are so complex and entrenched that they cannot be solved through mere human effort or political maneuvering. Instead, Gimpel argues that the nation must turn to God for help and guidance.

While some may view Gimpel’s assertion as purely religious or spiritual in nature, it is important to recognize the historical and cultural significance of Israel’s religious identity. The nation’s connection to the land, its struggles for survival, and its enduring faith have long been intertwined with its sense of destiny and divine purpose.

Moreover, Gimpel’s call for reliance on God does not come from a place of resignation or defeat. Instead, it reflects a deep-seated belief in the resilience and strength of Israel, as well as the ability of its people to overcome adversity with the help of their faith.

In the face of increasing tensions and uncertainty, Gimpel’s words serve as a reminder of the enduring hope and determination that characterizes Israel. They also point to the importance of recognizing the spiritual dimensions of the nation’s identity and the role that faith plays in shaping its future.

Ultimately, whether or not one agrees with Gimpel’s perspective, his statement provides an opportunity for reflection and dialogue on the complex challenges facing Israel. It also serves as a reminder of the power of faith and the ways in which it can inspire courage, resilience, and hope in the face of adversity.

In a world that is often marked by division and conflict, Gimpel’s call for reliance on God reminds us of the potential for unity and strength that can be found in shared faith and conviction. As Israel continues to navigate its uncertain path, this message serves as a powerful testament to the nation’s enduring spirit and the belief that, ultimately, it is only God who can save Israel now.

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6 months ago

I pray for the salvation of ISRAEL.

6 months ago

Praying always for Israel!

6 months ago

trust not in man but in HASHEM ONLY

6 months ago

We love you Israel ❤

6 months ago

Jesus please intervene on your people's behalf! Praying your perfect will to come into Israel praying for peace of Jerusalem! Oh Lord protect your people and step in to stop the enemies of your family! ❤

6 months ago

Fear not Israel for your God is the greatest and His mighty in battle Hallelujah Amen victory is sure Amen

6 months ago

God is……….xxxxxxx

6 months ago

God bless and save Israel!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Israel is in the Hands of God Almighty!!
Without the Holy Breathe of God, humans are nothing but dust.

6 months ago

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

6 months ago

Amen 🙏

6 months ago

Have you ever stopped to think just why you have so many enemies???? Hate is usually earned .

6 months ago

Brother It shall never happen 🇮🇱 ISRAEL 🇮🇱 is protected by the Most High Creator and that my brother no matter the threat down here ISRAEL 🇮🇱 shall survive remember the GOD that protects ISRAEL 🇮🇱 neither sleeps nor slumber 🙏🙏🙏🙏

6 months ago

Exodus 15:3

6 months ago

free free Palestine free free Palestine

6 months ago

Taken care of already ❤️👌🏼

6 months ago

Disillusioned people, Imagine no religion, ❤✌️

6 months ago

Jews didn't recognize visitation of Christ, committed abomination of desolation, unpardonable sin unto death, trampling underfoot the Son of God, counting his blood unworthy, offering a strange fire in Holy of Holies, despising the Spirit of Grace and offering. Jacobs Trouble is upon them. No cure, unless they look upon him who they pierced saying, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Then Christ will fight for them as in the days of old.

6 months ago

Thank you for referring to the zionists and the people who are ignorent of the past. The fact that the young jewish people dont know what happened in the past tell it all. Denying the nakba is like denying the holocaust. The fact that the jews have gone through the holocaust and then justify another on other people because they are the chosen people disgusts me. Then they claim well, many years ago we were here first. Then I think it is only fair that the jews have to leave America because it belong to the native people. If there is someone to blame it is the UK giving permission to the jews to make Palestine their national home. Mind you if you read the decleration of 1917 UK gives permission and says nothing shall be done to violate the political and religious rights of the non jews living there. So the zionists understood it as, we invade Palestine throw them out and kill them. Then place them on a small piece of land, occupy them and hope they wont mind. It is sickening that the history most jews know are based on lies. And I have massive respects for people like Finkelstein and Mate who understood that believing in a national home is believing in the kolonisation of others. Thank god thousands of jews stood together with Palestinians to fight for their freedom. Their freedom doesnt mean death of the jews. It means giving them their human right back. Fighting for their freedom has nothing to do with antismitism. Palestinians are muslims and christians who believe in jesus and mozes. I think it is funny, because it is the jews that throw everything on antisemitism so there is less attention focus on the real problem which is the occupation and violaton of the human rights and the committing if many war crimes by Israël. If Israël is right and fair than why it this called a conflict and why are there thousands rapports written by many human right organisations like UN, Red Cross, Doctors without borders, amnesty,..that are describing the hundreds of violations and crimes of Israël. For the people that say well they had there chance for a two state solution. No they had not. Finkelstein lists all his resources. And you can find in within UN reports. The UN give a two state solution. Then Israël negotiated with Clinton for a piece of jerusalem and other small parts that were important to Israël. Palestine said yes if they have pieces of land in return. Both said yes with reservations. Meanwhile Israël was still building illegal settlements in the west bank. When clintion made the decleration or contract nothing was mentioned about the pieces of land Palestine would get in return. Palestine refused the offer as it was not negotiated this way. So Israël didnt adhere to its own promise then the Palestinians were to blame. I am pro truth, pro humand, pro facts. Everything I mentioned is findable in legal documents and records.