Israel’s Unprecedented Killing of Civilians: The Evidence Speaks for Itself

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The Numbers Are Clear — Israel’s Killing Of Civilians Is UNPRECEDENTED

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has once again brought to the forefront the issue of civilian casualties. In recent weeks, the world has witnessed the devastating toll of the violence, with hundreds of Palestinian civilians, including women and children, killed in Israeli airstrikes and shelling.

The numbers are clear and undeniable — Israel’s killing of civilians is unprecedented. According to the United Nations, at least 248 Palestinians, including 66 children, have been killed in Gaza since the conflict escalated in May. On the other hand, 12 Israelis, including two children, have been killed by rockets fired from Gaza.

These deaths represent an egregious violation of international law and human rights, and the international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions. The deliberate targeting of civilians is a war crime, and it is time for the world to take a stand against these atrocities.

The disproportionate use of force by Israel is not a new phenomenon. In previous conflicts, such as the 2014 war in Gaza, Israel’s military actions resulted in a high number of civilian casualties. However, the current wave of violence has reached new levels of brutality, with entire families being wiped out in Israeli airstrikes.

The Israeli government has defended its actions by claiming that it is targeting Hamas militants and their infrastructure. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story. The vast majority of the casualties are innocent civilians who have nothing to do with the conflict. It is unconscionable for Israel to justify the killing of children and non-combatants in the name of security.

Furthermore, the blockade of Gaza, which has been in place for over a decade, has exacerbated the suffering of the civilian population. The lack of access to essential goods and services, including medical care, has made the situation even more dire. The international community must pressure Israel to lift the blockade and allow humanitarian aid to reach those in need.

It is time for the world to speak out against Israel’s indiscriminate killing of civilians. The United Nations and other international bodies must investigate these war crimes and hold those responsible accountable. The continued silence and inaction only embolden Israel to continue its violations of human rights and international law.

The people of Palestine deserve to live in peace and security, free from the fear of death and destruction. It is the responsibility of the global community to ensure that Israel respects the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their nationality or background. The numbers are clear — the killing of civilians by Israel is unprecedented, and it must be stopped.

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9 months ago

Why is this always approached by reaffirming Israel's right to exist? As if that's a given, that of course it does. But who says? Why? I don't believe it Israel's right to exist. Not as it is, at someone else's expense. Why is anyone obliged to believe that? I don't have a problem saying that I don't.

9 months ago

Why does the “civilians” America killed get compared to only the “women and children” Israel killed? Are there no civilian men in Gaza? That’s the rhetoric.

9 months ago

Ana Kasparian is absolutely at her very best when dealing with this issue.

9 months ago

All deaths in Gaza is the result of Hamas's action on Oct 7. So, who is to blame? Hamas. Besides the Gazans were warn to evacuate south. It were the choice of many not to do so. Hamas even tried (and succeeded in some instances) to prevent them. So. again, who is to blame? Hamas and themselves. It is a question of cause and effect. Hamas acted, Israel responded. In war there is unfortunately no such a thing of proportionality. The bomb on Hiroshima, the raining of bombs on German cities etc. It is, however, sad that so many civilians died or got injured or displaced etc. Who is to blame? Again Hamas unleashed a tiger and is to blame.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Ana, what about the killing of Syrians by the Syrian government or the Yemenis killed in Yemen! Those were 10 times deaths!

9 months ago

To most of the commenters here… This segment is not about Hamas FFS, it's about slaying women and children as if their lives were somehow less important than the women and children who died on October 7th.
It's about Bibi slaughtering more civilians in Gaza in the first 30 days than Putin did in Ukraine in 600 days.
NOWHERE in this segment or ANYWHERE ELSE has Ana defended Hamas, never, anywhere, ever. What the actual F is wrong with ewe peeple? Be honest. wtf is wrong with ewe?

9 months ago

I see that the Hasbara types are all over this.

9 months ago

Thank you for your analysis. It is so sad to see the cruelty of Israel, their hate is unjustified. How can they live with such hate in their hearts. To see the Gaza childrens wounded and without families is so devastating. Israel with their liders will have to responde for all the deaths their hate caused.

9 months ago

Antisemiteantisemiteantisemiteantisemiteantisemiteantisemite /S

9 months ago

TYT is coming out if the closet. It's been a Islam apologist network its whole existence. It attacks everything American. No more clicks.

9 months ago

The Young Terrorists fuel more hate and divide, spinning and lying again and again and again.

9 months ago

This is such a funny channel. All they do is sell negative things about Israel. But they have the intelligence of a shrimp and don't seem to understand that no one is buying into their stupid talk. Their stupidity is so funny.

9 months ago

These. Mouth pieces for evil.
Anna do you know what happens to child killers and rapists in jail
In America

You people are soulless cowards
How can criminals in jail have more mortality than tyt .

Oh yes cenk the anti semite jew hating.
Islamonazi and his sidekick.

Too much drama show.

9 months ago

No cease fire ever! LONG LIVE ISRAEL

9 months ago

😬 thanks for attempting a cease fire Biden. Oh wait you didn't even try

9 months ago

Might as well rename this youtube channel after Hitler with how they want to portray all these false narratives. How many times did Palestine refuse to become a state? 5 times, and every time they were offered, they said no. A bunch of anti-Semitic nazi scum is all this youtube channel is. Palestine's days are numbered if Hamas doesn't stop

9 months ago

Deleting truthful posts seems to be the norm here lately.