Israel’s war on Gaza crushes 21-year-old’s dreams of becoming a surgeon

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The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has had devastating effects on the lives of many, including 21-year-old aspiring surgeon, Samir Ahmed. Born and raised in Gaza, Samir has always dreamed of becoming a surgeon and providing medical care to those in need. However, his hopes and dreams have been dashed by the relentless violence and destruction that has plagued the region.

Growing up in Gaza, Samir was no stranger to the hardships and challenges that come with living in a conflict zone. Despite the constant threat of violence and the limitations placed on everyday life, Samir remained determined to pursue his passion for medicine. He worked tirelessly to excel in his studies and was determined to become one of the few skilled surgeons in Gaza.

Unfortunately, the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza has made it nearly impossible for Samir to pursue his dream. The continuous airstrikes and shelling have left hospitals and medical facilities in ruins, making it difficult for Samir to receive the necessary training and education to become a surgeon. The lack of resources and the overwhelming demand for medical care has led to a severe shortage of training opportunities for aspiring medical professionals like Samir.

The toll of the conflict on Samir’s mental and emotional well-being is immense. The constant fear and uncertainty have taken a heavy toll on Samir, leaving him feeling hopeless and defeated. The loss of life and the destruction of his community have left him questioning whether he will ever be able to fulfill his dream of becoming a surgeon.

The situation in Gaza serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of war on the hopes and dreams of young people. The ongoing conflict not only robs individuals like Samir of their future, but it also deprives communities of much-needed medical professionals who could make a significant impact on the health and well-being of the population.

As the international community continues to grapple with the complexities of the Israel-Gaza conflict, it is important to remember the human cost of war. The hopes and aspirations of countless young people, like Samir, are being dashed by the violence and destruction. It is crucial for world leaders to prioritize efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict in order to prevent further loss and suffering.

Despite the immense challenges that Samir faces, he remains determined to not give up on his dream. He continues to seek out opportunities for training and education, refusing to let the war extinguish his passion for medicine. His resilience and determination serve as a powerful reminder of the strength and courage of the people of Gaza, who continue to persevere in the face of unimaginable adversity.

It is imperative for the international community to support individuals like Samir and work towards creating a future where young people in conflict zones can pursue their dreams without fear or limitations. The world must come together to seek a peaceful and just resolution to the Israel-Gaza conflict, so that aspiring surgeons like Samir can have the opportunity to fulfill their potential and provide vital medical care to those in need.

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6 months ago

Then act like it and choose leaders that do not attack and brutalize their neighbors

6 months ago

Shame on the Zionists and their supporters!!

6 months ago

It is indeed a tragedy that Gaza's Hamas leaders chose violence and terror over the future of their own people.

6 months ago


6 months ago

This video should be viewed by everyone and go beyond viral.

6 months ago

Human who have made bad choices.

6 months ago

You are targets. Blinken, Biden, McGurk, Austin, Kirby, Netanyahu , Gallant must be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

6 months ago

Masha allah be strong palestinians

6 months ago

Israels war on Gaza started by Palestinians. Guess we left that part out.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I will happily have her live with me in the USA if some hospital offers her an internship here. Nobody in 2023 should have to go through this heartbreak.

6 months ago

My dear sister, you are not just a human, but you are the best of humans on earth. Your dream will be achieved by the permission of Allah, and all Muslims across the globe will fight and do what they can to build a Palestine free from Israeli occupation, and one that flourishes and produces amazing doctors like yourself. That's not just a dream, but a reality. The real question is when, not if, it will happen. So keep dreaming, and I will stand with you. Always.

6 months ago

This Genocide needs to stop as risk of starvation and disease outbreak is huge…

6 months ago

She said it best when she said they are not meant to be made political. That they are humans. Nobody gets to see this in America. Peaceful protesting with real knowledge and stories would go over much better than what is happening here. Nobody gets to feel love and compassion. All people see is anger and destruction. I understand the anger, but it's just feeding fire of hate and validating it in their ignorance. There is no compassion for evil doings. People think that everyone is evil terrorists in Gaza. People here don't even know that people are trapped in Gaza. They think that they are free to leave and choose to stay. Wanting something to come back to is a completely different conversation. Nobody knows how small Gaza is, like shooting fish in a barrel. I wish more people knew that. I wish people knew that not everyone there is Hamas and wants war. I wish people knew the value of human life. God bless anyone caught in every war.

6 months ago

Allah bless Palestine and free Palestine aameen

6 months ago

a beautiful dream. I hope and pray … it will come reality one day.

6 months ago

israel is the biggest war criminal on Earth

6 months ago

Sister sorry we can't help you🥺

6 months ago

Inshallah Allah will help u and all the Palestinians

6 months ago

People like this sister are the light in this dark world we live in,
🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸