Issues with JavaScript Page Performance

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JavaScript Page Performance Problems

JavaScript Page Performance Problems

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is commonly used to add interactive features to web pages. However, poorly optimized JavaScript code can lead to performance problems on a web page. In this article, we will discuss some common JavaScript page performance problems and how to address them.

1. Excessive HTTP Requests

One common performance problem with JavaScript on web pages is the use of excessive HTTP requests. Each time a JavaScript file is requested, the server has to process the request and then send the file back to the client. This can lead to slow load times, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections. To address this issue, you can combine and minify your JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

2. Unoptimized Code

Another common issue is unoptimized JavaScript code, which can slow down the performance of a web page. This can include inefficient algorithms, unnecessary code, or excessive use of loops. To improve performance, make sure to regularly review and optimize your JavaScript code to reduce the load on the client’s browser.

3. Memory Leaks

Memory leaks can also cause performance problems in JavaScript. When a web page uses JavaScript to dynamically update content or handle user interactions, it can sometimes lead to memory leaks if resources are not properly released. To prevent memory leaks, make sure to clean up event listeners, timers, and other resources when they are no longer needed.

4. Heavy DOM Manipulation

Excessive DOM manipulation in JavaScript can also lead to performance problems. When a web page contains a large number of DOM elements, manipulating them using JavaScript can be slow and resource-intensive. To improve performance, consider using virtual DOM libraries or optimizing your DOM manipulation code to minimize the impact on page performance.

5. Lack of Caching

Finally, lack of caching for JavaScript files can also impact page performance. When a user visits a web page, the browser has to download all the JavaScript files again, even if they haven’t changed since the last visit. To address this, make sure to set appropriate caching headers for your JavaScript files to reduce the need for unnecessary downloads.


In conclusion, JavaScript page performance problems can have a significant impact on the user experience of a web page. By addressing issues such as excessive HTTP requests, unoptimized code, memory leaks, heavy DOM manipulation, and lack of caching, you can improve the performance of your JavaScript-powered web pages and provide a better experience for your users.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

but how the traffic can went up in just a day of changing? weird

6 months ago

Thanks for a great video. I really appreciate how the inidivdual steps were reviewed, including the creation of a honey pot. Makes a ton of sense. Must have been maddening, but seems like it all worked out 😉

6 months ago

While this video rambled a bit – it was entertaining. I guess what the takeaway for me was, that while I'm dealing with a mysterious problem right now, that I guess is Javascript (Angular) related, this helped to see how other people struggle and take months to solve the problems as well. Please keep making them! Would like more specifics Martin!

6 months ago

2 JS Legends! 🙂 Always a pleasure to listen to these amazing guys and the knowledge bombs that they drop. Cześć Bartosz!

6 months ago

wonderful such nice tutorial i love this tutorial

6 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this with us ❤️‍🔥& pray for more SEO Fairytales 🙇‍♂️

6 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this with us ❤️‍🔥& pray for more SEO Fairytales 🙇‍♂️

6 months ago

This videos very helpful….

6 months ago

Nice video

6 months ago

Very nice video

6 months ago

Question: Let's assume 2 identical ecommerce websites with hundreds of categories.
When calling e.g. /category1 the webserver:
for Website A -> response contains ALL the HTML content including the text content, menu links and links to the products.
for Website B -> returns JUST header and footer HTML and JavaScript loads the text content, menu links and links to the products through an API call to a service.
(we assume that response time and HTML content are identical)
Which Website will perform better from an SEO perspective?
Which approach is recommended?
Which Website will be crawled / indexed faster?
Which Website will come on top for the same keyword?

6 months ago

This video is very nice.

6 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this with us ❤️‍🔥& pray for more SEO Fairytales 🙇‍♂️

6 months ago


6 months ago

Please convert these episodes to a blog like there is SEO Office Hours. Thank you!

6 months ago

More JS Rabbit Holes please! This was fun.

6 months ago

Yes! More JS content 😛