ITUC – Africa Congress 2023: Livestream Event

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The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Africa Congress 2023 is set to be an important event for trade union activists across the African continent. The congress, scheduled to take place in a yet-to-be-announced location in 2023, will bring together leaders and delegates from various trade union organizations to discuss key issues facing workers in Africa and to strategize on ways to improve working conditions and promote social justice.

One of the key objectives of the ITUC Africa Congress 2023 is to address the challenges and opportunities facing African workers in a rapidly changing global economy. The congress will provide a platform for trade union leaders to share best practices, innovative approaches, and successful strategies for organizing and mobilizing workers in diverse sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, services, and the informal economy.

The congress will also focus on promoting gender equality and empowering women within the trade union movement. Women make up a significant portion of the African workforce and are often disproportionately affected by issues such as discrimination, unequal pay, and lack of representation in leadership positions. The ITUC Africa Congress 2023 will seek to amplify the voices of women within trade unions and develop strategies to address gender-based barriers in the workplace.

Furthermore, the congress will address the impact of technological advancements, automation, and digitalization on the African labor market. It will explore the implications of these developments for job creation, skills development, and the future of work in the region. By examining these issues, the congress aims to ensure that African workers are adequately prepared for the changing nature of employment and have access to quality jobs that provide fair wages, benefits, and job security.

In addition to these thematic discussions, the ITUC Africa Congress 2023 will also provide a platform for delegates to discuss regional and national priorities, develop action plans, and forge partnerships to advance the interests of workers across the continent. The congress will also provide opportunities for networking, capacity-building, and solidarity-building among trade union leaders and activists.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the ITUC Africa Congress 2023 will also address the health and safety challenges facing African workers, as well as the economic and social impacts of the pandemic on employment, livelihoods, and social protection. The congress will explore ways to ensure that workers’ rights and protections are upheld, and that economic recovery efforts prioritize the needs of working people.

Overall, the ITUC Africa Congress 2023 is poised to be a pivotal gathering for trade union activists in Africa, providing a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and collective action to advance the rights and interests of workers on the continent. As the congress approaches, trade union organizations and stakeholders from across Africa are gearing up to participate in this important event, which promises to shape the future of labor advocacy and social justice in the region.