
Java experiences a significant resurgence

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Java is mounting a huge comeback

Java is mounting a huge comeback

After years of being eclipsed by newer languages like Python and JavaScript, Java is once again gaining popularity and relevance in the tech world.

One of the primary reasons for Java’s resurgence is its strong performance in large-scale enterprise applications. Many businesses and organizations rely on Java for their critical systems, and its robustness and stability make it a natural choice for such use cases.

Furthermore, the recent updates to the Java platform, including the release of Java 14, have brought a host of new features and improvements that have reinvigorated developers’ interest in the language. The introduction of new language features, enhanced performance, and improved security have all contributed to Java’s renewed appeal.

Additionally, the rise of cloud computing has also played a role in Java’s resurgence. The compatibility of Java with cloud platforms and the ability to easily migrate existing Java applications to the cloud have made it an attractive option for companies looking to modernize their infrastructure.

Another factor contributing to Java’s comeback is the thriving community around the language. The Java community remains one of the largest and most active in the programming world, providing support, resources, and a wealth of open-source libraries and frameworks for developers to leverage.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, the demand for Java developers is on the rise once again. Many companies are realizing the value of Java’s versatility and are actively seeking skilled professionals who can work with the language.

Overall, the future looks bright for Java as it continues to make a strong comeback in the programming landscape. With its renewed relevance, robust performance, and strong community support, Java is once again proving itself to be a powerhouse in the world of software development.

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6 months ago

I'm laughing at the fact that 'AbstractFactoryManagerSingletonServiceManagerFactory' is not even abstract

6 months ago

tell me one instance you used the println anywhere in production?
common guys grow up .

6 months ago

Does anyone know what music he uses in his videos?

6 months ago

I love how Java comes out with all this cool stuff but it doesn’t matter because most research/business has been running on Java 8 for a decade now

6 months ago

Java is the best language ever, you're just a code complexed

6 months ago

I learned OOP through C++, not Java.

6 months ago

Wait, that just PHP

6 months ago

C# the perfect younger brother of java …

6 months ago

Check out my shorts about Java to keep learning!


6 months ago

I began my career as a C programmer, and then I eventually moved to Java, initial 3 weeks of me working with code base I f**king hated it, It was verbose unnecessary and all the frameworks works with convention over configuration. For new programmers that means you have lot of things happening automagically. So you would be lost for the first week, scratching your head asking how is something working? once you get it you will never go back.
When people tell me they hate Java, I kind of Gauge that maximum amount of lines of code they worked would be like 20K, when lines of code hits 100K+ and you are working with an untyped language you would want to shoot yourself.

6 months ago

if java stole c#'s Properties it would be the most powerful language

6 months ago

It's ok Scalabros, we can still make fun of them for System.out.println, vs println in our language.

6 months ago

Minecraft still using java 17: 🗿

6 months ago

People prefering Python or Javascript over Java have clearly never worked in enterprise complex projects before.

6 months ago

Whatever version of Java is used, what makes the difference in the end is well-written code and the implementation of JDK. If it's well optimized for your workload no other programming language can bring any substantial improvements over it to make you move away from Java.

6 months ago

Thank You So Much for this wonderful video…………………………………🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

6 months ago


6 months ago

please make Spring Boot in 100 seconds

6 months ago

Java is a necessary evil

6 months ago

JAVAI gonna beat you all and sleep python snake