
JavaScript Basics Made Super Easy

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The basic idea of JavaScript is simple and easy to grasp. It is a programming language that is primarily used to make web pages interactive. JavaScript can be added to HTML code to create dynamic content, respond to user actions, and interact with the browser.

One of the key concepts in JavaScript is the use of variables to store and manipulate data. Variables can be used to store numbers, strings, or other types of information, and can be manipulated using different mathematical and logical operations.

Another important concept in JavaScript is the use of functions. Functions are blocks of reusable code that can be called to perform a specific task. They can take inputs, perform operations, and return outputs, making them a powerful tool for organizing and managing code.

JavaScript also allows for event handling, which enables web pages to respond to user actions such as clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs. This makes it possible to create interactive and engaging user experiences on websites.

Overall, the basic idea of JavaScript is to provide a way to create dynamic and interactive web pages. With its simple syntax and powerful features, JavaScript is a fundamental tool for web development and is essential for creating modern web applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding the basic ideas of JavaScript is crucial for building successful and engaging web applications.

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7 months ago

Guys, If anyone can refer me for a devops / backend jobs.

Please do it. I'm looking for job.

Jatin Kumar
7 months ago

Blue switches?

7 months ago

i noticed that you use a local host while building a website, Dunno if i am weird but i prefer making websites on my windows laptop.
i know, gay shit that is but hear me out, u do not need local host in it, simply make a 128mb partition in it and use it as a local server for that particular website. i prefer to do things manually and maybe thats how my tehcnq works……

Buddy Guy
7 months ago

this needs more views

rob smith
7 months ago
rob smith
7 months ago
Shailesh Dagar
7 months ago

Your style of teaching is quite rare to find. You're pretty good at it. Another thing is that a tool like ChatGPT is pretty handy in looking up functionalities like that Toggle Class one.

Sujal Gurung
7 months ago

Thanks for this. I was holding off on writing a small script idea, thinking I'd do it after I learn a bit more JS. Currently working on it right now.
For anyone using Chromium browsers & trying to console.log the properties of elements/objects like in the video, add curly braces like this: console.log({btn})

Found it in this article: https://christianheilmann.com/2021/11/01/developer-tools-secrets-that-shouldnt-be-secrets/

7 months ago

@bugswriter can you please make video for emacs . Am confused how to use it . setup for Javascript will be good !!

7 months ago

Static web pages are beautiful. JavaScript is pure soy.

7 months ago

I always thought about learning javascript, but everytime I see javascript code I think its ugly and I'm not motivated anymore

Halil Smith
7 months ago

Very helpful vid bro thx

Azmuth Forger
7 months ago

Could you make a video on how to setup your own mail server on a single pc or on the pc that you are using


I use arch

7 months ago

what is the name of the browser extension that shows definition on selection

Vikas Kyatannawar
7 months ago

I actually let people go to some website(ecommerce like say amazon) and write there for its website to manipulate DOMs. Get results from search page(can learn a lot about JSON, objects, Array methods), check Network calls(fetch calls, DOMParsers and append HTML etc), selectors/Xpaths . Ofcourse code should always be written in a code editor instead of browser console. That helps a lot tbh since there will be a mental block that a real project vs practicing something in local has a very drastic difference. Plus they learn to debug in chrome.

ag codes
7 months ago


Alash Als
7 months ago

very good tutorial sir

Micael Viana
7 months ago

Are you using evil mode or default emacs to do your code?

Lawrence He
7 months ago

this was great! i hope you make more videos of python and javascript

7 months ago

Excellent beginners tutorial!! Very simple and concise.