JavaScript Checkpoint 12 – Can you identify this JavaScript method?

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JS Checkpoint 12 – Do you know this Javascript method?

JS Checkpoint 12 – Do you know this Javascript method?

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive websites. One important method in JavaScript that developers should be familiar with is the toFixed() method.

The toFixed() method is used to format a number with a specific number of digits after the decimal point. This method is often used when working with monetary values or any other numerical values that require a specific format.

Here is an example of how the toFixed() method can be used:

    var number = 10.12345;
    var formattedNumber = number.toFixed(2);
    console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: 10.12

In this example, the toFixed() method is used to format the number 10.12345 to have only two digits after the decimal point, resulting in 10.12.

It is important for developers to be familiar with the toFixed() method as it is commonly used in web development projects to ensure proper formatting of numerical values.