JavaScript Class extends

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Understanding JavaScript Class Extends


JavaScript class extends is a powerful tool that allows developers to create objects that share similar characteristics. It can be used to create a class of objects in which all the objects of that class share the same properties, methods, and behaviors. Using class extends, developers can create objects that are more organized and efficient.

What is Class Extends?

Class extends is a feature of the JavaScript language that allows developers to create objects that have the same properties, methods, and behaviors. It works by creating a parent class, which can be thought of as a template. From this template, developers can create objects that have the same characteristics. This can be useful for creating objects that are related to each other or objects that are similar.

Creating a Class

The first step to creating a class is to define the properties of the class. These can include such things as data types, default values, and any methods or behaviors that are associated with the class. Once the properties have been defined, the class can be created by using the class keyword.

Extending a Class

Once a class has been created, it can be extended by using the extends keyword. This allows developers to create objects that have the same properties, methods, and behaviors as the parent class. This is useful for creating objects that are related to each other or objects that are similar. For example, a developer could create a class called “Car” and then create a subclass called “SportsCar” that has the same properties, methods, and behaviors as the Car class.

Using Extends

Once a class has been created, developers can use the extends keyword when creating objects. This allows developers to create objects that have the same properties, methods, and behaviors as the parent class. The properties and methods of the parent class can be accessed by using the keyword super. This allows developers to access the parent class’s properties and methods without having to duplicate the code.


JavaScript class extends is a powerful feature of the language that allows developers to create objects that share similar characteristics. It can be used to create a class of objects in which all the objects of that class share the same properties, methods, and behaviors. Using class extends, developers can create objects that are more organized and efficient.