JavaScript: Comparing Bubbling and Capturing Event Handling

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Bubbling vs Capturing in JavaScript

Bubbling vs Capturing in JavaScript

When it comes to event handling in JavaScript, understanding bubbling and capturing are essential concepts. These two processes affect how events are handled and propagated through the DOM tree. Let’s take a closer look at both concepts and how they differ.


When an event is triggered on a DOM element, it first undergoes the bubbling phase. During this phase, the event is first handled by the innermost element and then propagates up through its ancestors. This means that if an event is triggered on a child element, it will be handled by the child, then its parent, then its grandparent, and so on, until it reaches the root of the document.


Contrary to bubbling, capturing involves handling the event at the top of the DOM hierarchy and then propagating down to the target element. However, in practice, capturing is not commonly used and is not supported in all browsers.

Event flow

Understanding the difference between bubbling and capturing is crucial when dealing with event propagation in the DOM. By default, most events in JavaScript follow the bubbling phase, but this behavior can be modified using the addEventListener method with the third parameter set to true to enable the capturing phase.


In summary, bubbling and capturing are two different event propagation mechanisms in JavaScript. Bubbling starts at the event target and moves up the DOM hierarchy, while capturing starts at the top of the hierarchy and moves down to the target. Understanding these concepts is important for effective event handling in web development.

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6 months ago

True in the addEvent what does it mean bro