JavaScript Macros: Let’s Not Let Other Languages Have All the Fun!

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Macros in JavaScript

Macros in JavaScript – Why let other languages have all the fun?

JavaScript, being a dynamic and versatile programming language, has gained immense popularity for its ability to create highly interactive and responsive web applications.

One of the features that have been missing from JavaScript, however, is the ability to define macros. Macros are essentially a way to define reusable code snippets that can be used to simplify repetitive tasks or to create new language constructs.

While some languages such as C and Lisp have native support for macros, JavaScript has traditionally lacked this capability. However, with the introduction of libraries and tools such as Sweet.js and Babel, developers can now create their own macros in JavaScript.

Macros in JavaScript can be incredibly useful for a variety of tasks. For example, they can be used to create custom control structures, define domain-specific languages, or even to improve code readability through the use of domain-specific syntax.

One of the key benefits of using macros in JavaScript is the ability to write more expressive and concise code. By creating custom macros, developers can reduce the amount of boilerplate code in their applications and increase their productivity.

Another advantage of macros in JavaScript is the ability to abstract away complex or repetitive tasks. By defining macros, developers can encapsulate complex behaviors into simple and reusable constructs, making it easier to reason about and maintain their codebase.

Furthermore, macros can also be used to enforce coding standards and best practices within a team. By creating macros that encapsulate certain coding patterns or conventions, developers can ensure that their codebase follows a consistent and uniform style.

Overall, macros in JavaScript offer an exciting new way to enhance and extend the capabilities of the language. By letting developers create their own custom language features, JavaScript can become even more powerful and flexible.

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6 months ago

@luisf7 mentioned that the Display trait would solve the variable types problem in a rust log function. I should have instead focused on the number of arguments being variable that is only possible with a macro in rust.

6 months ago

in cpp you can pass dynamic data to a function. if you know how to do that

6 months ago

1:40 that’s not true, in rust, you can make a function that takes a generic – in this case, any type that implements Display – and call methods that the generic type implements, such as to_string()

6 months ago

Ya cool maan!

6 months ago

have you considered just running the C pre-processor on your javascript source files? 🙂

6 months ago

Great Video.

6 months ago

Great video!

6 months ago

I'm gonna have to watch this again, the option of a build time macro has never even occurred to me as an option in typescript

6 months ago

Hey Chris, great video 🙂 the only thing I noticed is whether you thought about displaying the code you are talking about longer/all the time and putting the you on top of this code? apart from that, good luck and keep up the good work 💙