JavaScript Nullish Coalescing: Mastering Null Handling Like a Boss! #coding #JavaScript

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Javascript Nullish Coalescing

Handle Null Like a Boss with Javascript Nullish Coalescing!

If you are tired of constantly checking for null or undefined values in your Javascript code, then the Nullish Coalescing operator is here to save the day!

The Nullish Coalescing operator, denoted by ??, provides a more concise way of handling null or undefined values by providing a default value when a variable is null or undefined.

Let’s see an example in action:

const foo = null;
const bar = foo ?? 'default value';

console.log(bar); // Output: 'default value'

In this example, when the variable foo is null, the Nullish Coalescing operator provides the default value ‘default value’ instead.

This eliminates the need for lengthy null-checking code and makes your code more readable and efficient.

So next time you encounter null or undefined values in your Javascript code, remember to handle null like a boss with the Nullish Coalescing operator!

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17 days ago

Like this kind of tech content? Let me know! Thinking about creating a lot more of it. Breakdowns to make concepts easier to digest and understand.

Make sure to share this with someone! Never know who might learn something new!

17 days ago

You look good man! You lost a lot of weight! (used to talk to you a bit on twitter, btw). Take care!

17 days ago

Love these short videos! Good for refreshing knowledge and learning something new.

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