JavaScript Trivia Number 10

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JavaScript Trivia #10

JavaScript Trivia #10

Welcome to JavaScript Trivia #10! Test your knowledge of JavaScript with these fun and challenging questions.

Question 1:

What is the correct way to declare a variable in JavaScript?

  1. var x = 10;
  2. int x = 10;
  3. float x = 10;
  4. const x = 10;

Question 2:

What is the result of 10 + “5” in JavaScript?

  1. 15
  2. "105"
  3. NaN
  4. Error

Question 3:

Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript data type?

  1. string
  2. boolean
  3. number
  4. array

Question 4:

What operator is used for equality comparison in JavaScript?

  1. =
  2. ==
  3. ===
  4. !=

Question 5:

What does the console.log() function do in JavaScript?

  1. Displays a message in an alert box
  2. Writes a message to the document
  3. Outputs a message to the console
  4. None of the above

Once you have answered all the questions, check your answers below:


  1. 1. var x = 10;
  2. 2. "105"
  3. 3. array
  4. 4. ===
  5. 5. Outputs a message to the console
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2 months ago

Can I get an explanation, please?