Jeremy Scahill Exposes Israel’s False Claim of Al-Shifa Hospital as Hamas Base, Allegedly Co-Signed by Biden

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Journalist Jeremy Scahill is known for his in-depth reporting and fearless pursuit of the truth, and his latest expose on Israel’s “lethal lie” about Al-Shifa Hospital as a Hamas base is no exception. In a recent article co-signed by Scahill and published in The Intercept, the journalist highlights the dangerous consequences of spreading false information in the midst of war, and calls out President Joe Biden for his role in legitimizing this falsehood.

The article sheds light on the Israeli military’s claim that Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza was being used as a base for Hamas militants during the recent conflict. This claim, according to Scahill, was a “lethal lie” that provided a pretext for the destruction of the hospital and the killing of innocent civilians. Scahill argues that this lie was not only propagated by the Israeli military, but was also co-signed by top U.S. officials, including President Biden.

Scahill’s article presents evidence that directly contradicts the Israeli military’s claim. The Intercept obtained security camera footage and eyewitness testimony that shows no evidence of Hamas activity at the hospital. Instead, the hospital was a place of refuge for civilians seeking medical treatment and shelter from the violence. The destruction of Al-Shifa Hospital, Scahill argues, was a war crime enabled by the spread of false information.

In addition to exposing the Israeli military’s falsehood, Scahill also takes aim at President Joe Biden for his complicity in legitimizing this “lethal lie.” Scahill points to Biden’s public statements in support of Israel during the conflict, which he argues contributed to the perception that the U.S. was endorsing Israel’s actions, including the destruction of Al-Shifa Hospital. By failing to challenge the Israeli narrative and promote an independent investigation into the incident, Scahill argues that Biden effectively co-signed the “lethal lie.”

Scahill’s article is a stark reminder of the power and responsibility of the media in times of conflict. He calls on journalists to deeply interrogate and challenge the claims made by powerful actors, and to seek the truth even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. The consequences of not doing so, as Scahill’s article illustrates, can be devastating.

Ultimately, Scahill’s reporting serves as a call to action for both journalists and political leaders. It is a reminder that the spread of false information in the midst of war can have dire consequences, and that those in positions of power have a responsibility to seek and uphold the truth. In the case of Al-Shifa Hospital, the “lethal lie” perpetuated by the Israeli military and co-signed by President Biden had deadly consequences. It is a sobering reminder of the impact of falsehoods in conflict, and a rallying cry for accountability and truth-telling in the pursuit of peace.

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6 months ago

Pencerobohan Penzaliman Pembohongan Perompakan Pemfitnah Pempropaganda Penganiayaan Tidak Peri Kemanusiaan Hüküm Rimba Itu Lah Tanda Tanda Lemah Kalah Tidak Jujur Jenis Kemunafeqan. Itu Lah Israhell

6 months ago

Israel = Russia Netan yahoo = Putin Lies, murder, genocide, lay waste to everything – in order to rebuild as Israeli apartments, schools, and hospitals later

6 months ago

You know it is really hard to sympathize with Gaza when i read shit like this. To down play Hamas crimes and try to make israel the criminal is narcissistic and selfish. Before Hamas attacked there was a cease fire, before Hamas attacked there was no Occupation of Gaza, before Hamas attacked there was no war. Before Hamas attacked there were missles fired into Israel everyday! So thank you Israel for being patient and not murdering all these liars! Thank you istael for only killing 14000 out of 3 million. Thank you Israel for the food and water you gave gaza before the attack. Thank you israel because no Muslim country lifted a fucking finger of help for the Palestinians. Why is this? Because of the long history of Palestinian hands dripping with the blood of Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews and these palestinian supporters would have us all forget their crimes in favor of supporting a baseless claim of Palestinians for israeli land Their hands still dripping the blood of innocent families and childrren and babies! My heart felt answer is fuck you!🤍💙🤍

6 months ago

6:16 : about the Al Shifa Israeli hoax

6 months ago

Chilling lies from Israeli IDF is uncovered

6 months ago

Demonic action, but Biden say democratic and diplomacy action

6 months ago

Thank you for providing us with up to date news!

6 months ago


6 months ago

The Israeli are playing chess
The Palestinians are playing checkers

Israeli government allowed what happened October 7 to happen.
They sacrificed a few pawns so they can take over Gaza. Land land land!

It’s all about money!

Give them 20 years and they will have 5 star hotels that are ocean front!

They will drill for oil near the coast of Gaza!

Israel has traded peace for land!

Israel is anything but the holy land!

6 months ago

I don't understand how people continue to believe in all the absurd lies that ISRAEL tells to justify so many INNOCENT deaths that it has carried out and that its army and NETANYAHU himself cowardly as if it were a capricious children's game and rich people who like to humiliate people and what they say is what it is regardless of the degree of damage and how they commit it…!!!🧐🧐

6 months ago

The lack of intellectual thought in this world is appalling. All of you need to do more research, stop listening to mainstream media. Both sides are being held hostage by a terrorist organization that hates everyone but themselves. Wise up and gain some intelligence before commenting about something you are so removed from.

6 months ago

Absolutely lies and propaganda of terrorists.

6 months ago

Netanyahu war criminals

6 months ago

Israel built the hospital and the basement! Nothing to do with tunnels.
Your site is not reliable.

6 months ago

Good job!, I have been saying all along that Hitler is not dead. He is in Israel with a new name called Israel. They complain about what Hitler did to them, but they are doing the same to Palestinians. Israel=Hitler of 2023

6 months ago

Israel is committing genocide

6 months ago

Allthe Israelites say are bunch of lies …

6 months ago

It’s because this is genocide they wanted the hospitals to be destroyed!

6 months ago

Israel's false flag to steal the oil.
According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), significant reservoirs of oil and natural gas have been found off the Gaza Strip and elsewhere under the occupied West Bank.

6 months ago

yes, 12 years old children were also released from Jail, accused as terrorist for throwing stone to invaders