Jerusalem cafe owner stands firm and refuses to sell cafe to Israel for $31 million

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Jerusalem Cafe Owner Refuses to Sell His Cafe to Israel for $31 Million

In a world where money seems to be the primary motivation for most business decisions, it’s refreshing to hear about someone who sticks to their principles no matter the temptation. Such is the case of Abu Ahmad, the owner of a popular cafe in Jerusalem, who recently turned down a $31 million offer to sell his business to the Israeli government.

Abu Ahmad has been running his cafe for over two decades, serving locals and tourists alike with his delicious coffee and Middle Eastern pastries. His cafe has become a staple of the community and a beloved gathering place for many. So, when the Israeli government approached him with a lucrative offer to buy his business and make way for a new development project, he surprised everyone by refusing the money.

According to Abu Ahmad, his cafe is not just a business, but a symbol of Palestinian culture and heritage in the heart of Jerusalem. He believes that selling his cafe to the Israeli government would only contribute to the erasure of Palestinian identity in the city. “I cannot put a price on the memories and the sense of belonging that this cafe brings to our people,” Abu Ahmad said in a statement. “I will not be complicit in the cultural and economic cleansing of our community.”

His decision has been met with admiration and support from many Palestinians and activists around the world who see it as an act of resistance against the ongoing occupation and displacement of Palestinians in Jerusalem. It also serves as a powerful reminder that some things are worth more than money.

In a city where tensions and divisions run deep, Abu Ahmad’s refusal to sell his cafe has sparked a conversation about the preservation of Palestinian culture and the need to resist the gradual annexation of Palestinian lands. It has become a symbol of defiance and resilience in the face of adversity.

While the Israeli government may continue to pursue its development plans, Abu Ahmad’s stance has inspired others to stand up for what they believe in and to hold on to their roots and traditions. His decision is a testament to the power of identity and the refusal to be bought out by those who seek to erase it.

Abu Ahmad’s cafe continues to operate as usual, serving its loyal customers and remaining a beacon of Palestinian culture in the heart of Jerusalem. His refusal to sell may have cost him a fortune, but it has also earned him the respect and admiration of many who see him as a hero for staying true to his principles. His courage serves as a reminder that some things are priceless and that cultural heritage should never be for sale.

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6 months ago

Id sell

6 months ago


6 months ago

Pls never sell them to em

6 months ago

So jews want to keep buying land from the palestines and yet believes the land originally belonged to them. hmmm

6 months ago

May Allah bless him in both worlds, Amin.

6 months ago

SubhanAllah brother is standing on some important sand. 1:24 SubhanAllah I wanna see how this tunnel looks like and walking through the tunnel without all the sand in the way. 2:53 spelt "businesses" cmon if this is a News outlet, do better. If ur gonna put subtitles, atleast make sure to spell correctly

6 months ago

I understand the family history and everything, but who's to say that the Israeli government won't just come in and take it from him one day?
I mean considering what's been going on the past 2 months, I would be a bit apprehensive about all that's going on and would reconsider taking an offer and call it a life.
Is he really managing to keep that business afloat by selling coffee? It doesn't math up for me.

6 months ago

I wish you the best Abu khadija. I met you last summer in Quds, and you helped me and my friend to acces Al-aqsa, after we got denied by the Israeli soldiers controlling it. Afterwards we got to see you beautiful café. Wish you the best❤🙌

6 months ago

May ALLAH reward
Abu khajidah.

This brother is very honourable.

6 months ago

So how would it work with his will after he passes away? Will his family inherit the property? I’m sure he must have that figured out by now. Either way, he’s is allowed to keep his property forever, it can never be taken from him.

6 months ago

Damn media really ups the number

That would be 200k deal media 31mil

6 months ago

Freedom of choice – if this man doesn't want to sell his restaurant for any price then it's his choice and the country he resides in should defend that RIGHT..

6 months ago

Very proud of this man not to buckle under the pressure of the fascist Israeli government.

6 months ago

May Palestine find Peace and get strength to combat the evils of this world…..Amen!

6 months ago

The land belongs to Israel, Jerusalem is the eternal city of gold of the Hebrew people. Yerushalim shel zahab

6 months ago

religion is dumb
supporting organised religion is supporting war and child abuse

6 months ago

Don't let money, don't let money change you

6 months ago

What a idiot

6 months ago

At least every year of his work amounts to A Million per year, I wish we were all so lucky to get these offers

6 months ago

It's ok we'll take it for free. Free Balestine – give it to the pioneers of Judea and Samaria 🟦⬜🟦