Joe: Trump is once again making the wrong choice by siding with the past on an issue

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It seems that President Trump just can’t help himself from picking the wrong side of an issue, again and again. The most recent example of this is his support for Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.

Arpaio made a name for himself by implementing harsh and discriminatory immigration enforcement policies, including racial profiling and creating what his critics called “tent cities” to house inmates in oppressive conditions. He was eventually convicted of criminal contempt for defying a court order to stop targeting Latinos in traffic patrols.

Despite these troubling actions, Trump has chosen to pardon Arpaio, calling him a “great American patriot” and lauding his long career in law enforcement. But pardoning Arpaio sends a dangerous message – that it’s acceptable for law enforcement officials to engage in racist and unconstitutional actions with impunity.

This isn’t the first time that Trump has taken the side of individuals or groups with a history of discrimination and abuse. From his initial refusal to denounce white supremacists in Charlottesville to his ongoing efforts to implement a discriminatory travel ban targeting Muslim-majority countries, Trump has consistently aligned himself with the wrong side of history.

By pardoning Arpaio, Trump is once again sending a message to marginalized communities that their rights and safety are of little concern to him. At a time when tensions around immigration and race relations are high, this kind of leadership only serves to further divide the country and embolden those who seek to oppress others.

It’s crucial that we continue to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and stand up for justice and equality. Trump may be going back in time by supporting figures like Arpaio, but the American people must continue to push forward towards a more inclusive and just society. We cannot afford to allow our country to regress under the leadership of someone who consistently picks the wrong side of history.

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6 months ago

This is propaganda and disinformation.

6 months ago

And China Joe's Legal Woes – Crickets

6 months ago

The simple fact that Trump is even allowed run for President – AGAIN – just shows how backward THE US is. Absolutely ridiculous. Complete madness.

6 months ago

beavis and butthead

6 months ago

MSNBC is Democrat fake news

6 months ago

Everyone knows this is Democrat news.people are research and find out the media has been lying to the people about trump now they are voting for trump . This is fake news

6 months ago

My Obamacare plan, my plan charges 2000 dollar premium and 8000 deductibles plus they receive 9000 dollars in subsidies from the federal government. that's a total of 19000 dollars I have to have in medical expenses before it cost them a dime. I wonder how much of that money in sent to are politicians in donor money because Medicare advantage plans would be much cheaper and 100% better health care. Hard to believe are politicians would choose donor money over human health and life.

6 months ago

If Mexico pays for it make it where you can also can use it in Mexico.

6 months ago

Make Trump care

6 months ago

Bill bahr warned trump to stay away from obama care or you will lose elections you have one hundred million americans with pre exting conditions do the math

6 months ago

Republican Stupidity,,,

6 months ago

Prisoner trump belongs in Fulton County Jail where he will be accountable for his actions.

Not above the law.

6 months ago

I really was hoping for Bernie s plan. Whenever I go to doctor the insurance company says not in network. That's if you can find a Doctor. My doctor retired and I have been trying for years to find one that will give me a physical. When you call a doctor they all say they are not taking new patients. You can get care if you are sick but I check my own blood pressure and blood sugar cause I can't find a doctor that will just give me a physical.

6 months ago

How long are we going to put up with this man lying and losing his mind in public? How long are people going to permit the weak, totally dependent on DJT, Republicans to keep kowtow to this piece of insanity that is so bad for our country?

6 months ago

The Republicans have no plan because Obamacare is essentially Romneycare with a few tweaks. The GOP has NOTHING when it comes to healthcare and actually haven’t passed a piece of legislation that would help the middle class or the poor in the last 35 years! Look it up.. Go ahead, I’ll wait

6 months ago

Why haven't you mentioned Trump's comment — Health care is complicated.

6 months ago

1:48 — Hey, Joe…the word is "Party" — not "Porty"!

6 months ago

Repeal Obamacare, keep it — doesn't matter. It's too expensive to purchase. How much does the average person pay for Obamacare? Obamacare costs an average of $560 per month for a 40-year-old with a Silver plan. Your age affects how much you pay. A 20-year-old pays an average of $425 per month for a Silver plan, while a 60-year-old pays an average of $1,189 per month.

This silver plan is a 70/30 pay.

6 months ago

Here we go again! They promised this during the Clinton's era. NOTHING! O'Bama got it done! Trump NOTHING! 🤔

6 months ago

What is Mika writing? Its driving me crazy lol