John Kennedy Issues Warning to Biden on Israel, Condemns Hamas & Antisemitism

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In a startling turn of events, Senator John Kennedy has issued a blunt warning to President Joe Biden regarding his stance on Israel and the ongoing conflict with Hamas. In a passionate speech on the Senate floor, Kennedy railed against the terrorist group Hamas and the rising tide of antisemitism around the world.

Kennedy began by condemning Hamas for their relentless barrage of rocket attacks on Israel, which have resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians and widespread destruction. He called out the terrorist group for intentionally using civilians as human shields and targeting civilian infrastructure in Israel.

The senator went on to criticize the Biden administration for what he perceives as a lackluster response to the crisis in the Middle East. He warned that the United States must stand firmly with Israel and not waver in the face of terrorism.

Kennedy also took aim at the surge of antisemitism that has been seen in recent weeks, both in the United States and abroad. He decried the hateful rhetoric and violent attacks against Jewish individuals and communities, calling it a disturbing trend that must be addressed head-on.

The senator’s warning to President Biden comes at a pivotal moment in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, with tensions running high and violence escalating. Kennedy’s impassioned speech reflects the deep concern and urgency felt by many in Washington and across the country.

It is evident that Kennedy is adamant about taking a strong stance against Hamas and standing in solidarity with Israel. His words send a clear message to the Biden administration that any hesitancy or ambiguity in supporting Israel will not be tolerated.

As the conflict in the Middle East continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how President Biden will respond to Kennedy’s warning. One thing is certain, though – the issue of Israel and the fight against terrorism and antisemitism will continue to be a critical point of contention in the political arena.

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7 months ago

God bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

7 months ago

Thank you Senator

7 months ago

God Bless You Senator Kennedy, you are a True Friend!

7 months ago

Dear Senator. You seem like a smart person. With mighty Us force behind Israel. Mighty Uk is behind Israel. MightyNATO is behind Israel all forces combines you couldn’t U.S. military strategy to bring these members of Hamas to Justice. Instead you supplied Israel to bomb 2 million people. With all due respect senator why don’t you take those fancy glasses that nice suit and that beautiful tie with the whole state of Louisiana and go
And live in an occupied section of West Bank for one day. You won’t feel so empowered like the way you are rightnow. Conditions like that feeds young people to
Commit atrocities. If you dearly care about the situation here me out not Jews but the military force in the region needs to back off and let people live their lives.

7 months ago

OBAMA is COMPLICIT by funding Iran who in turn funded and trained Hamas.

7 months ago

From Louisiana and I stand by our allies in the Middle East. I stand for Israel. Thanks Senator.

7 months ago

Thank you Senator!

7 months ago

Wow! What an impressive speech. Tremendous!

7 months ago

Spot on!

7 months ago

If you have no moral clarity on this issue then you have no morals ! Tlaib, Omar, AOC and others must go quietly into history or they will regret what they say and do from this point forward !

7 months ago

LOON WING you got that right !!’

7 months ago

President Bidens support of Israel's (over 70 year) invasion of and destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people, is VERY disturbing.

7 months ago

To see the full truth we must look at the bigger picture, instead of only at isolated events claimed by Israel. BOTH sides have done wrong, but which side is the invader? Israel. And which side has inflicted the most terror? Israel, by far. Israel has actually been FAR more "terroristic" than Hamas, and has fabricated or exaggerated a lot of things, just to use Hamas as an excuse to kill off masses of Palestinian Arabs and try to terrorize the rest into leaving. Israels rounds of this terror against the Palestinians has been going on for over 70 years, and started long before Hamas even existed.

7 months ago

The people who voted this man into government made an excellent choice & have done America a great service. I am not an American but I've watched Sen. John Kennedy's various videos on YouTube & he is one of the world's minority of politicians who are strong enough to speak up for sanity & reality on many subjects.

7 months ago

Thank you Senator for speaking on behalf of the good people of the World, you done us all proud. How can so many seemingly good people get their heads so screwed up that they protest on behalf of Hamas against Israel, it’s just unbelievable.

7 months ago

Amazing speech!! Thank you!!

7 months ago

Hats off to this man who speaks truth loudly and clearly. God keep him. Canada here.

7 months ago


7 months ago

God bless you Senator

7 months ago

Great speech! Please do NOT forget Ukraine!