Join me as I tackle my final year project – Learning Flask!

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Study with me: Final year project (Learning Flask) 2

Study with me: Final year project (Learning Flask) 2

Continuing on with our final year project, we are diving deeper into learning Flask, a web framework for Python. Flask is a powerful tool that allows us to build web applications quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore some more advanced concepts and features of Flask as we work on our project.

Routing and Views

One of the key components of Flask is its routing system. Routes are used to map URLs to specific functions in our application. We can define routes using the @app.route() decorator. For example, @app.route('/hello') would map the URL /hello to a function that returns “Hello, World!”.

Templates and Jinja2

Flask also includes a powerful templating engine called Jinja2. Templates allow us to separate the presentation of our web pages from the logic of our application. We can use tags and filters in Jinja2 to dynamically generate HTML content based on variables and data from our Python code.

Forms and Validation

Forms are an essential part of many web applications. Flask provides tools for building and validating forms easily. We can use Flask-WTF, a Flask extension, to create and handle forms in our application. With Flask-WTF, we can define form classes with fields and validation rules, and render them in our templates.

Database Integration

Many web applications require a database to store and retrieve data. Flask supports various database systems, including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. We can use Flask-SQLAlchemy, a Flask extension, to interact with databases in our application. SQLAlchemy provides an object-relational mapping (ORM) system that allows us to work with database tables as Python objects.


As we continue to explore and learn about Flask, we are making progress on our final year project. By mastering the advanced features of Flask, we are able to build a robust and functional web application. Stay tuned for more updates on our project as we work towards completion!

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