Josh Paul, a former US State Department official, explains his resignation due to US arms transfers to Israel

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Former US State Department official Josh Paul recently made headlines after he publicly announced his resignation from the department over the issue of US arms transfers to Israel. Paul, who served as a senior official in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, cited ethical and moral concerns as the primary reasons for his decision to step down.

In a scathing resignation letter, Paul expressed his deep disapproval of the ongoing arms sales to Israel, particularly in light of the recent hostilities between Israel and Palestine. He argued that the US government’s support for Israel’s military actions was not only morally indefensible but also undermined America’s own national security interests in the region.

Paul’s decision to resign over the issue of arms transfers to Israel reflects a growing discontent within the US foreign policy establishment regarding the country’s unwavering support for Israel. The recent conflict in Gaza, which resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction, has further fueled the debate over the US government’s role in arming and supporting the Israeli military.

In his resignation letter, Paul criticized the State Department for its failure to adequately address the consequences of US arms sales to Israel, particularly in terms of civilian casualties and human rights violations. He emphasized the need for a more balanced and ethical approach to US foreign policy in the Middle East, one that prioritizes the protection of human rights and the promotion of peace and stability in the region.

Paul’s principled stand against US arms transfers to Israel has garnered widespread support from advocates of peace and human rights. His resignation has reignited the debate over the US government’s role in perpetuating conflict and violence in the Middle East, and has prompted calls for a more ethical and responsible foreign policy approach.

It is clear that Paul’s decision to step down from his position at the State Department was not taken lightly. His principled stand against US arms transfers to Israel reflects a deep commitment to ethical and moral principles, and serves as a powerful reminder of the fundamental importance of upholding human rights and promoting peace in US foreign policy decisions.

As the debate over US arms sales to Israel continues to unfold, it is important to recognize the courage and integrity demonstrated by individuals like Josh Paul, who are willing to take a stand for what they believe is right, even at great personal cost. His resignation should serve as a wake-up call for the US government and the broader foreign policy establishment to reevaluate their approach to arms transfers in the Middle East and prioritize human rights and peace in their decision-making processes.

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6 months ago

Josh paul terbuka hati dan matanya melihat fakta yg terjadi….anda manusia

6 months ago

I think finally most of the world , especially US , has come to realize what Israel is : a terrorist entity whose ideology cannot be cured neither by its ruling class nor by its supporters outside

6 months ago


6 months ago

Stop genocide in Palestine

6 months ago

Palestine will be free soon, Insha Allah. 🇵🇸🍉🫒

6 months ago

where are the defenders of human rights ?
shame on USA

6 months ago

Dunyanin iyi insanlarina ihtiyaci var . Acilen

6 months ago

American policy is to support a terr0rist occupier regime and it doesn't make them less of a terr0rist

6 months ago

Hats offf

6 months ago

More power to josh paul. Kudos to your honesty

6 months ago

All the bible prophesies about the restoration of true zion on this earth , are all talking about Christ's 1000 yr millenial kingdom on this earth , AND NOTHING ELSE !
The bible is crystal clear , that when true Zion is restored on this earth , the wolves shall lie down with the lambs , and they shall beat their swords into plowshares , which we are not seeing right now : Isaiah 11(6) and 2(4)!

However the Zionists in modern day Israel have been spreading a massive lie for years : They have taken these prophesies about Christ's millenial kingdom , and falsely applied them to the modern day state of Israel !
They have for years infiltrated the christian churches with many false preachers , such as Joel Osteen , John Hagee , Jack Van Impe , etc , all preaching this same lie that , the modern day state of israel is the fulfillment of the prophesies of true zion on this earth !
This is one of the biggest lies out there , and many church people , WHO DO NOT REALLY KNOW THEIR BIBLES , have been deceived by it !
The prophesies about true Zion say that the wolves shall lie down with the lambs , and they shall beat their swords into plowshares , which is definitely not happening right now , proving that the modern day state of Israel is definitely not the restoration of true zion : IT IS IN FACT THE ANTICHRIST REGIME FORETOLD IN THE BIBLE TO COME FIRST ON THIS EARTH AND THEN AFTER GOD'S TRUE ZION IN THE FORM OF CHRIST'S MILLENIAL KINGDOM ON THIS EARTH WHEN THE WOLVES SHALL TRULY LIE DOWN WITH THE LAMBS , WHICH IS NOT HAPPENING NOW : ISAIAH 11(6).
Any clear thinking , non brainwashed person , can immediately see that these people in Israel committing all of these horrible crimes , ARE DEFINITELY NOT GODLY PEOPLE !
However , if one has been brainwashed for years , that they are God's true people , they will not be able to think clearly , because of all these years of brainwashing , and even though they can see with their own eyes all the atrocities that they are committing , they will not be able to accept what their own eyes are seeing because of the years of brainwashing .
They sadly , do not have the ability to think clearly .
Possibly they will listen to the words of Jesus Christ to the modern day state of Israel today :

The Zionists today claim that they are the children of Abraham .
What does Jesus Christ say to this argument !
JOHN 8( 39, 40 and 44): They answered and said unto him : Abraham is our father .
Jesus said unto them : If you were Abrahams children , you would do the works of Abraham .
But now you seek to kill me , a man that has told you the truth , which I have heard of God , THIS DID NOT ABRAHAM !
YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL , and the lusts of your father you will do .
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth .
The zionists right now are killing multiple thousands.
Jesus Christ says , the true children of Abraham do not behave like this .
So Jesus Christ says they are not the children of Abraham but are the children of the devil !
This is of course why they killed Christ because he exposed them as the devils they really were , and still are !
This is what these people have always done : They killed Able , Jesus , Stephen and many others .
By their fruits you shall know them !
Join my facebook group : go to : SHEEP RESCUERS

6 months ago

It's okay, we understand that he hates Israel and the Jews

6 months ago

I never liked this woman.

6 months ago

Yes Israel is the main strategic ally in the middle east Ms. Amanpur but probably you donot want to mention who is behind this alliance throughout in West ; Investors who want the conflict zones where they would be the profitiers always. They invest in War because they make the most out of it , is it not what is missing in your questianaire or it was prohibited?? Let me inform you and all others who think it would profit and remain profitable they either are unintelligent or incapable to see the fact right Infront of their eyes. The earth is the only planet where Life survives thwarting its system means making it inhabitable. So if one think that I would live under water or underground or adapt to is not the reality, there will be no such proposition when it happens. Already, the rate of wildfires, storms, hurricanes and other such natural processes have increased and is at pace which humans donot have capacity to deal . The race of competitiveness have brought the air pollution to a level that major cities are engulfed in it , that is what thought and taught. In reality, the air within a planetry body is a constant factor and Human activities have altered it permanently in Earth and if it is not stopped the future holds nothing for anyone. These vicious investors of war mongers who trumpet all the time in main stream media about the blocks creation, margin of profit and saving our interests hide their real goal which is to keep the world a " War Zone" .

6 months ago

These are acts of barbarity dictated to IDF by their false prophet (messiah) this demonic entity calls for perversion and cruelty towards children in order to feed the beast!

6 months ago

America is guilty of Genocide! The evidence is incontrovertible.

6 months ago

You don't put the most important part of this interview about rabe palastinian kind

6 months ago


6 months ago

christiane, the question you should be asking is why israel is their biggest ally and why you’re such a defender that gen.oc.idal regime.

6 months ago

Of course a world know, america and israel join attack in palestine, the two country killing a thousand people in palestine