
JOSM – Gridify Plugin: A Fast Way to Draw Parking Spaces

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JOSM – Greffon Gridify ou comment tracer des places de parking hyper vite

JOSM – Greffon Gridify ou comment tracer des places de parking hyper vite

JOSM, short for Java OpenStreetMap, is an open-source desktop mapping software that allows users to edit and contribute to the OpenStreetMap project. One of the useful features of JOSM is its plugin system, which allows users to extend the functionality of the software with additional tools and functions.

One such plugin is Gridify, which is a powerful tool for quickly and efficiently tracing parking spaces in urban and suburban areas. With Gridify, users can easily create a grid of parking spaces, saving time and effort compared to manually drawing each individual space.

Here’s how to use the Gridify plugin in JOSM to quickly trace parking spaces:

  1. First, make sure you have the Gridify plugin installed in your JOSM software. You can do this by going to the “Edit” menu, then selecting “Preferences” and “Plugins.” Search for Gridify and install it if it’s not already installed.
  2. Once the plugin is installed, open your map project in JOSM and zoom in to the area where you want to trace parking spaces.
  3. Select the “Draw Grid” tool from the Gridify plugin menu. This will allow you to define the parameters for the grid, such as the size of each parking space and the number of rows and columns.
  4. After defining the grid parameters, simply click and drag to draw the grid over the area where you want to create parking spaces. The Gridify plugin will automatically generate the parking spaces based on your defined parameters.
  5. Finally, you can fine-tune the parking spaces as needed, adjusting the size and position of individual spaces if necessary.

Using the Gridify plugin in JOSM, you can save a significant amount of time and effort when tracing parking spaces, especially in larger urban areas where there are many spaces to create. This can be particularly useful for urban planners, developers, and local authorities who need to quickly and accurately map out parking areas for various projects and initiatives.

Overall, the Gridify plugin is a valuable addition to the JOSM software, making it easier and faster to create parking spaces and other grid-based features on maps. Whether you’re a seasoned OpenStreetMap contributor or a newcomer to mapping, Gridify can streamline the process of tracing parking spaces and improve the overall efficiency of your mapping projects.

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6 months ago

J'ai donc perdu quelques heures de ma vie pour rien. Merci CapitaineMoustache !

6 months ago

merci pour la découverte

6 months ago

Cool merci. Ça aide beaucoup

6 months ago

yes merci ! une explication claire, avec la pointe de lol au milieu et l'essentiel d'info pour avoir envie d'utiliser le greffon tout le temps !

6 months ago

Merci pour tout ce bon taff