Judge alleges harassment following Trump’s social media post

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In a surprising turn of events, a federal judge has claimed to be a victim of harassment following a social media post by former President Donald Trump. The incident has raised questions about the use of social media by public figures, and the potential consequences of their actions.

The controversy began when Trump took to Twitter to criticize U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan, who is presiding over a lawsuit involving Trump and a former “Apprentice” contestant. In his tweet, Trump called Judge Nathan an “activist” and accused her of being biased against him.

Following the post, Judge Nathan reportedly received a barrage of abusive and threatening messages from Trump supporters, prompting her to file a complaint with the U.S. Marshals Service. In her complaint, she alleged that the harassment was a direct result of Trump’s social media post, and requested additional security measures to ensure her safety.

This incident highlights the power and influence of social media, particularly when used by public figures such as Trump. The widespread reach of a single tweet can have real-world consequences, as evidenced in this case. The fact that a federal judge felt compelled to request increased security due to online harassment is a stark reminder of the potential dangers of inflammatory language and rhetoric on social media.

Furthermore, it raises questions about the responsibility of public figures to consider the potential impact of their words and actions. While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not without limits. The use of social media to target and disparage individuals, particularly those in positions of authority, can have serious repercussions.

In response to the incident, legal experts have called for greater scrutiny of the use of social media by public figures, and the potential implications for the individuals targeted by their online rhetoric. There is also a growing awareness of the need to protect individuals from harassment and abuse in the digital sphere, and to hold those responsible for inciting such behavior accountable.

Ultimately, the case of Judge Nathan and the fallout from Trump’s social media post serve as a cautionary tale about the power of words and the potential consequences of online behavior. It also underscores the importance of safeguarding individuals from online harassment, regardless of their position or status. As social media continues to play a significant role in public discourse, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in addressing the potential risks and consequences of online conduct.

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7 months ago

After a pugnacious first turn on the witness stand, former president Donald Trump plans to testify again next month in his civil fraud trial, his lawyers said Monday. https://www.qcnews.com/news/politics/election/ap-as-trumps-fraud-trial-eyes-his-sweeping-financial-reports-executive-says-theyre-not-done-anymore/

7 months ago


7 months ago

Sue trump

7 months ago

@FBI 👀 I think there are insurrectionists all up in these comments.😂

7 months ago

Enough is enough! Trump must take responsibility for his rantings. Lock him up already, AND enact an immediate Gag Order on Trump!!

7 months ago

These people are just evil pure evil. They don’t want to hear the truth. Oh my God they live in a different reality. There are a bunch of morons.

7 months ago

What’s going to happen?

7 months ago

Judge needs to grow some balls.

7 months ago

Just realized why many of u see nothing wrong with the harassment is because it’s YOU doing to threatening !

7 months ago

You've been gag ordering him since June!

7 months ago

The news is nothing but lies and biased information.
Get the demons out of the white house.

7 months ago


7 months ago

Republicans are trash. Vote Blue

7 months ago

News announcers,
Shut up!!!!!

7 months ago

More bull crap from these traitors against The one true president of America,

7 months ago

😂😂😂 you guys just keep trying we see through the bull it’s not coming from him and with no proof (evidence) you can’t charge him

7 months ago

sounds like judge shouldn't be involved in this case.

7 months ago

I love people saying things like Trump didn’t make the threats he can’t be held accountable. I hope they realize that statement applies to the J6 allegations as well😅

7 months ago

Tell Trump ,if anyone causes harm to these people ,Trump will be punished for it,go to jail for it,

7 months ago

Tone deaf. It’s like they don’t even realize that Trump has been harassed and threatened, non-stop. As a presidential candidate, as the president, as a former president, and as a candidate again now. So does he get to sue everyone who used lawfare against him as harassment to interfere with the performance of his duties as president? One could argue that interfering with the duties of the president is even more serious than interfering with the duties of a judge.