Judge Approves Damaging Testimony Against Trump

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In a significant blow to former President Donald Trump, a federal judge has given the green light for devastating testimony to be presented against him in a civil lawsuit. The ruling comes as a major development in the ongoing legal battles faced by Trump, including allegations of defamation and sexual assault.

The case at hand involves a defamation lawsuit filed by former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos, who has accused Trump of sexual assault and defamation. Zervos alleges that Trump defamed her when he called her a liar after she came forward with her claims during his 2016 presidential campaign. In response, Trump has denied the allegations and attempted to have the case dismissed, citing presidential immunity.

However, Judge Cynthia Rufe of the New York State Supreme Court has ruled that Trump is not entitled to immunity in this case, and that Zervos’ legal team can move forward with obtaining testimony and documents from the former president. This decision marks a significant setback for Trump, as it opens the door for potentially damning evidence to be presented against him in court.

The testimony and documents sought by Zervos’ legal team could shed new light on the allegations against Trump and potentially provide further corroboration of her claims. This could have far-reaching implications not only for the defamation lawsuit, but also for the numerous other legal battles Trump is facing, including ongoing criminal investigations and other civil suits.

The ruling also represents a significant victory for survivors of sexual assault, as it sends a clear message that no one, not even a former president, is above the law. It is a testament to the strength and courage of survivors like Zervos, who have been willing to stand up and hold powerful individuals accountable for their actions.

As this case continues to unfold, it is clear that Trump’s legal troubles are far from over. The judge’s decision to allow devastating testimony against him is a reminder that the consequences of his alleged actions may finally be catching up to him. It also serves as a warning to others in positions of power that they can no longer act with impunity.

In the end, the truth will prevail, and justice will be served. The ruling in Zervos’ lawsuit is a significant step forward in holding Trump accountable for his actions, and it is a victory for all those who have suffered at the hands of powerful individuals. This decision sends a powerful message that no one is above the law, and that survivors of assault will be heard and their claims taken seriously.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Half scholar….I call him half-witted scholar.

6 months ago

You guys are great, listen all the time, but how do I email youth ask a question about the poducts you advertise?

6 months ago

WHEN I TELL YOU DONALD TRUMP is the worst criminal of our time; I am not kidding. 😒

6 months ago

Good news.

6 months ago

The Big Cheese will spill the beans everywhere ! Trump has got to love this , its a nightmare lol !

6 months ago

Please quit saying "attorney generals." It's "attorneys general." You pluralize nouns, not adjectives. "General" in this case is an adjective. It's driving me crazy hearing you say this over and over again. Popok does it. Ben does it.

6 months ago

Republicans hate facts and truth. Accountability for crimes makes them CRAZY!!!

6 months ago

Does it strike anyone else that this is so ludicrous to make us all go through this mess because of one sulky old man? Someone who never learned that it’s bad form to be a sore loser? Nobody wants to play with a sore loser. 😅 was he turned down in the playground because nobody wanted him? Because he would whine and sulk if he didn’t win?

6 months ago

It's possible Trump's relying on re-election, where he can destroy any ability to prosecute him &/or his followers rising up and doing whatever they can to make him dicktator, or at minimum take out whoever is against him or supporting law and order for the consequences of his behavior and intimidate whoever is left that thinks he should face Justice.

6 months ago

A drinking game about his path to Jail. Brilliant

6 months ago

Think how sad it is that all these lawyers have wasted their hard work, time,and money on law school. They have disgraced themselves and in some cases I’m sure their families. All in the name of a man called Trump.

6 months ago

Great jod guys keep it coming

6 months ago

Well, it sounds like he's screwed, which is his own stupid fault.
Let's hope they fast-track all the trials as it's pretty frustrating how slowly all this is moving.

6 months ago

Whatever happened to personal responsibility, having consequences for your actions, equal justice under law. DJT and his enablers are reaping what they have sown, the total destruction of the Republican Party. As Lindsey said "we deserve it" A narcissist like DJT will never admit he is wrong, they lack the empathy to care about anyone but themselves.

6 months ago

It would be a great idea for Donnie to have to send every American he has scammed (thats all of us) $1 and an apology letter for his crimes against us and our democracy. This would punish him far more than any jail sentence. It would kill him to know that those letters are out there as undeniable proof of his crimes and ultimate failure.

6 months ago

You are so right to refer to Trump's "litter box," He only has one and has been using it for so long, there is little space left to accomodate more of his s..t.
He is so used to visiting it, he's overlooked the fact that there is noone cleaning it out for him anymore.
Regardless, he keeps visiting it, it is after all, the only one he's ever used.

6 months ago

Career path for MAGA, LIE, CHEAT, LIE AGAIN , scheme, plot, get a sweetheart deal deal. Testify, mostly truthful, no jail.Retire with a Congressional pension.
Sounds profitable.

6 months ago

Thank you

6 months ago

Your analogies are Outstanding & Hilarious 💜😻