Judge in Trump Case Receives Wild & Brutal Threatening Voicemail Transcripts

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In a shocking turn of events, transcripts of threatening voicemails left for the judge in the Trump case have been released and they are nothing short of wild and brutal. The judge, who is presiding over a high-profile case involving former President Donald Trump, has reportedly received numerous menacing messages that have raised serious concerns for their safety and well-being.

The transcripts reveal the disturbing and graphic nature of the threats, with profane language and violent imagery being used to intimidate and frighten the judge. It is clear that these messages are intended to instill fear and are a blatant attempt to influence the outcome of the case through intimidation.

The content of the voicemails is deeply concerning, and it is a stark reminder of the toxic and volatile climate that has surrounded the Trump case. The intense political polarization and fervent emotions that have been ignited by this case have led to a dangerous escalation of threats and harassment against those involved in the proceedings.

It is imperative that these threats are taken seriously and that the necessary measures are taken to ensure the safety of the judge and all parties involved in the case. No one should be subjected to such vile and menacing behavior, and it is essential that law enforcement and judicial authorities take swift and decisive action to address these threats and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

This is a stark reminder of the importance of upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law, and the need to protect the individuals who serve within the judicial system. Threats and intimidation have no place in our society, and it is imperative that we come together to condemn such behavior and work towards creating a safer and more respectful environment for all involved in legal proceedings.

The release of these threatening voicemail transcripts serves as a sobering wake-up call and a reminder that we must remain vigilant in safeguarding the integrity of our judicial system. It is essential that we stand in solidarity with the judge and all who have been targeted by these threats, and demand swift and effective action to address this alarming situation. We must all work towards creating a climate of civility and respect, and ensure that justice can be pursued without fear of violence or retribution.

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6 months ago

Overgrown schoolyard bullies, every one of them…That includes Trump..

6 months ago

Humpler hello Jesse

6 months ago

One of the last lines you read made me cringe

I grew up in a Christian household, but aside from using a King James version of the book, and that it was not Catholic nor Baptist I can't tell you any more about my denomination… I don't recall…

But what made me cringe was how that person talked… like "I don't believe in hurting people, I would never hurt anyone, but now I'm going to have to encourage or take part in hurting xyz"…

It is so hypocritical. I used to talk like that when I was religious… fecking prefacing a statement with some belief I supposedly held as some absolute but going against that belief in the very next breath…
It's like saying "no to sound racist, but ¤obligatory racist comment here¤,"

I don't think I talk like that anymore, and that I do a far better job of spelling out where my boundaries are. I also don't ascribe to a religion either.

6 months ago

Sounds like a white, female, under 16 yrs old, chtistian, entitled, privileged and spooled

6 months ago

And had the nerve to call you Hateful? 😳

6 months ago

Those calls really breach all moral standards in a lot of different ways.

6 months ago

TRUMPETA images him look ugly wormy…

6 months ago


6 months ago

Trump needs an epic Legends of the Fall stroke !!
That will shut him up

6 months ago

People that write and post threats like this are useless Underminions of Trump and probably evangelical nuts.
Sure the FBI is busy visiting and indicting domestic terroritic threats.
These gag orders need to bear fruit and send Trump to prison until his trial in March 2024
Otherwise what is the point of the gag order
At least make Trump pay enormous fines not just 10 thousand at the time.. that's Peanuts to him.
Make it hurt !!
Money fines are effective with Donald

6 months ago

Helllooooo, in case someone hasn't noticed, the gag orders are NOT controlling 45's behavior.

6 months ago

Thank for what you are doing

6 months ago

This is why the Scumbag is an EX-President…

6 months ago


6 months ago

We have to living in a nightmare for this to be true! Those messages were absolutely sickening! Some of those said they believe in God, but in the next sentence the most fowl words came out. It's hard for me to understand that. I'm getting very tired of this, aren't you??

6 months ago

Disgusting. I was so hoping that when dump LOST the election that we wouldn't have to see or hear from him any longer. Yet, the sickness is still spreading. I hope I will be able to vote in 2024.

6 months ago

Witch-hunt? I’ve never heard that term used so much like it’s being thrown around now. Call it what it is, you’re being stupid about it

6 months ago

Humans are disappointing. How can anyone send those threats. I’m sure most of them sit in church on Sundays or talk about morality. As I type this one of them mentioned God. So very Christian of yall.

6 months ago

Low information, no information they are pathetic.

6 months ago

Okay, just see enough. They are Low lifes. Ignorant low lifes 🤬