Judge rejects Trump’s final attempt to demand

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In a last-ditch effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump’s legal team made a desperate demand in front of a judge. However, their request was swiftly shot down.

The demand came as Trump and his allies continued to peddle baseless claims of voter fraud and election rigging, despite multiple recounts and court rulings that found no evidence to support these allegations.

In a hearing on the 2020 election results, Trump’s lawyers made a last-minute plea to a judge to invalidate millions of votes in key swing states, citing a litany of alleged irregularities and conspiracy theories. However, the judge quickly dismissed their claims, stating that there was no legal basis for such a drastic measure.

This latest attempt by Trump and his legal team to undermine the democratic process was met with widespread criticism and condemnation. Many have accused the former President of attempting to subvert the will of the people and undermine the integrity of the American electoral system.

The judge’s swift and decisive rejection of Trump’s demand serves as a stark reminder that the rule of law and the integrity of the democratic process will not be compromised by baseless claims and conspiracy theories. It also highlights the importance of an independent judiciary in upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring that all voices are heard and all votes are counted.

Despite this setback, Trump and his allies continue to sow doubt and division, further polarizing the American electorate and eroding public trust in the electoral process. It is crucial for all citizens to remain vigilant and hold their leaders accountable for their actions, particularly when those actions threaten the very foundation of our democracy.

As the nation continues to grapple with the aftermath of the 2020 election, it is essential that we uphold the principles of democracy, respect the rule of law, and work to bridge the deep divides that threaten to tear us apart. It is only through a commitment to truth, transparency, and the rule of law that we can ensure that the voice of the people is heard and respected.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Thank you for your work

6 months ago

The sponsor ads are really starting to get a bit annoying. The ad here is literally mid-sentence.

6 months ago

The last thing any Trump hater wants is a fair trial! The judges rule with extreme bias! The corrupt judges and prosecutors will have their very own day of judgement.

6 months ago

Will you make as many videos about how this was thrown out after the appeal? The banks that loaned the money already said Nobody lost money. In fact everyone made money. They also said if Trumps valuations were half, they would still have loaned the money. So, no fraud but prosecute Trump anyway. What a joke.

6 months ago

Sounds like a lot of malpractice has been going on

6 months ago


6 months ago

Trump is just a poor clown

6 months ago


6 months ago

His new name is now Donald Denied Trump

6 months ago

Why is defence looking for an injured or financial party. Accounting practises and tax returns demand honesty and accuracy. The tax bills paid by an alleged billionaire should be higher than reported. So the injured person is the citizens of usa. The financial injury is to the US government.

6 months ago

Bais judge remove him

6 months ago

A slippery slope is the most incorrect reasoning ever used. The only slippery slope in the history of government or law is giving people the right to vote, because then they will vote to keep it.
If gun legislation was a slippery slope, then guns would have been completely illegal hundreds of years ago, because there have been gun bans in some towns and some businesses since before the United States existed.
If allowing a witness was a slippery slope, then once a single witness was allowed, the judge wouldn't be able to say no to anyone. Nonsense. The judge can say no latet, even if he says yes now, if it gets out of hand.
I have been hearing the slippery slope fear since 1970, and it's never, ever happened. Legislators can pass new wording on existing laws, and judges can stop anything that has gotten out of control. A true slippery slope can't be stopped even when everyone agrees it should be, because you stepped on the slippery part and nobody can stop you from slipping further.

6 months ago

Yeshua says, "The goats will be gathered on my left… Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. '". I truly believe that It's not coincidence that the one's going to Hell are on His left. The party of everything evil… everything contrary to God, and the Bible. Yeshua come quickly. His return is soon will you be ready? I hope so.

6 months ago

The fix was in from the beginning democrats. Just like the Russian Hoax. You remember the Russian Hoax don't you. Democrats are incompetent at either investigations or corruption or both.

6 months ago

If this keeps happening, Donald Trump is going to need some more WALLS!!

6 months ago

An accountant employed by Trump is basically a paid thief, stealing Tax dollars from honest, hard working Americans 😮🇬🇧🌈♥️👍

6 months ago

Alina Habba is learning on the job. Maybe she'll be better next time. But then again, maybe she won't.

6 months ago

How is that former judge monitor applicable in any way. She wasn’t even there at the time in question when they were committing the fraud. Also who is stupid enough to commit fraud under the nose of a monitor??? Give me a break!!!

6 months ago

“Cleaning up behind the elephant…”. I love it. Haha. The content of your reports is excellent and sweetened yet by such a turn of phrase.