
July 2023 Town Hall: v6 Release Candidate, Vite support going GA, and Realtime Redwood Updates

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Town Hall July 2023: v6 Release Candidate, Vite support going GA, Realtime Redwood

Town Hall July 2023: v6 Release Candidate, Vite support going GA, Realtime Redwood

During the July 2023 Town Hall meeting, some exciting announcements were made regarding the upcoming releases and support for key features. Below are the highlights of the discussions:

v6 Release Candidate

The v6 release candidate for our software is currently being tested and is on track for a release in the coming months. This release contains several new features and improvements that will enhance the overall user experience and performance. We encourage our community members to test the release candidate and provide feedback to help make the final release even better.

Vite support going GA

We are thrilled to announce that Vite, a build tool that offers extremely fast builds and instant hot module replacement, is going GA (general availability). This means that Vite support will be officially included in our software, providing users with a faster and more efficient development experience. With Vite support, developers can expect quicker build times and a more seamless development process.

Realtime Redwood

One of the most exciting announcements from the Town Hall meeting is the introduction of Realtime Redwood. This new feature will enable real-time collaboration and updates within the Redwood framework, allowing users to see changes made by others in real time. Realtime Redwood will greatly improve the collaborative development process and make it easier for teams to work together on projects.

We are excited about the upcoming releases and the support for new features, and we believe that these developments will greatly benefit our community of users. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we continue to enhance our software and provide the best possible experience for our users.