
June 2023 Frontend Masters Hangout: Transitioning Svelte from TypeScript to JSDoc

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Frontend Masters Hangout June 2023 | Svelte switching from TypeScript to JSDoc

Frontend Masters Hangout June 2023

Frontend Masters is the go-to source for learning cutting-edge web development skills. The June 2023 hangout promises to be an exciting event, with talks and workshops on Svelte, a popular frontend framework that is making a significant change from TypeScript to JSDoc.

Svelte switching from TypeScript to JSDoc

Svelte is known for its unique approach to building web applications. Its shift from TypeScript to JSDoc has been the subject of much discussion in the developer community. In this hangout, experts from the Svelte team will explain the reasons behind this switch and how it will benefit developers working with the framework.

Talks and Workshops

The hangout will feature a mix of talks and hands-on workshops. Attendees can expect to gain insights into the latest developments in frontend web development and learn practical skills that they can apply to their own projects.

Networking Opportunities

Frontend Masters Hangouts are also a great opportunity to connect with other developers and industry professionals. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, you’ll have the chance to meet like-minded individuals and build valuable connections.

How to Join

The Frontend Masters Hangout will take place on June 15th, 2023. Registration is open to all, and tickets can be purchased through the Frontend Masters website. The event will be held virtually, allowing participants from around the world to join in and benefit from the valuable insights and networking opportunities on offer.

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Smart Hu
7 months ago

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7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Federico Balboa
7 months ago

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Iulian Carnaru
7 months ago

The content is of the highest quality and reflects exactly what happens in a real work environment. It's worth all the money!

7 months ago

Would love to see "Intro to Deno" – "Deno Serverless API" courses 🙂 Thanks for this glorious platform.