
Just merged my 8th pull request for React using TypeScript! #react #typescript

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My 8th PR to React!

I just merged my 8th PR to React! #react #typescript

As a developer, merging a pull request (PR) into a popular open-source project like React is always a cause for celebration. Today, I am excited to share that my 8th PR has been successfully merged into the React codebase! This achievement is a testament to my hard work and dedication to the project.

Contributing to a project like React has been a fulfilling experience for me. Not only have I been able to collaborate with other talented developers, but I have also had the opportunity to learn from their expertise. The React community is incredibly supportive, and I have been able to receive valuable feedback on my contributions, which has helped me grow as a developer.

My latest PR focused on integrating TypeScript into React. TypeScript has become increasingly popular in the JavaScript community due to its static typing and improved tooling. By adding TypeScript support to React, we can provide developers with a more robust and reliable development experience. I am proud to have been able to contribute to this effort.

As I reflect on my journey with React, I am grateful for the opportunities it has provided me. Contributing to open-source projects has allowed me to give back to the community and sharpen my skills as a developer. I look forward to continuing my contributions to React and other projects, and I am eager to see how my work will benefit the broader developer community.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. I am excited to see where my contributions will take me next!

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4 months ago

These are really nice comments man!

4 months ago

I fixed and updated a fixture, and it was ignored, lol

4 months ago

Ugh, React, a massive anti pattern popularized by bootcampers… terrible for the industry

4 months ago

Adding type definitions, on top of type definitions.


4 months ago

This is very true. Especially if you're running a small open source project, having people add comments to functions that you've written will solve you so much time in the future rereading old code and trying to remember how it works

4 months ago

Great to see contributions to open source, writing documentation is so underrated! It makes libraries so much nicer to use 🙂

4 months ago

Here we go again

4 months ago

Yay for open-source! It's unfortunate what happened to the ExpressJS repo the other day, but people shouldn't be discouraged to contribute to open-source projects. It's a nice thing!

4 months ago

Well recently Indian starter doing that because of the bunch of influencer told the to do so
Even people use review pr got irritated and started blaming community for that
Their typical pr was like 1 sentence just do something to get the PR done.

If there is really nothing to contribute then don't do it

4 months ago

wow I just happened to be looking at the ReactElement type and saw that there weren't any docs for it (I wasn't sure what T was) and wondered when an improvement would be made! funny to come across this

4 months ago

Do something about your hairline. You are disgusting to look at

4 months ago

A self closing div tag? idk man

4 months ago

This is what we should be encouraging people to do rather then adding nonsense commits

4 months ago

that's IMHO a not a good practice, we make things more and more complicated. Every extra line of code AND documentation shall be maintained and takes costs. Adding 3000 more lines just make everything easier?! Sounds opposite to me.

4 months ago

you just made newbies to target react repository 😀

4 months ago

imagine me trying to figure out how to fix a bug while Matt is adding comments, I'm funny ain't I

4 months ago

What you added was good documentation, I honestly expected react to be the most well-documented library out there already.

4 months ago

after all the PR drama with expressjs, this has horrible timing…

4 months ago

Matt you seem to know your way around TS, why don’t you hop over to svelte

4 months ago

The hero we need