‘Katyal Criticizes Trump’s Twisted Logic as Fraud Receipts Haunt Him in Trial’

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In a scathing and blistering criticism, former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal has called out former President Donald Trump for his “twisted logic” as receipts of fraud continue to haunt him in his impeachment trial.

As the Senate trial for the second impeachment of Trump gets underway, the evidence of the former president’s role in inciting the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th has come under intense scrutiny. Katyal, a respected legal expert and Supreme Court litigator, has not minced his words in his assessment of Trump’s defense strategy.

In an op-ed for CNN, Katyal has ripped into Trump’s legal arguments, describing them as “twisted logic” meant to divert attention from the undeniable evidence mounting against him. Katyal points out that Trump’s defense team has resorted to absurd claims, such as arguing that the Senate does not have the jurisdiction to impeach a former president, despite the ample historical precedence and legal consensus to the contrary.

Katyal also highlights the hypocrisy of Trump’s defense, noting that the former president’s legal team had previously argued in favor of the Senate’s authority to impeach a former official during the first impeachment trial. Trump’s attempt to backtrack on this stance now only reveals his desperation to avoid accountability for his actions, according to Katyal.

Furthermore, the evidence of fraud and deceit surrounding Trump’s attempts to overturn the election results has continued to emerge, further undermining his defense. Katyal points to the recent reports of Trump’s phone call to Georgia’s Secretary of State, urging him to “find” enough votes to change the outcome of the election, as a clear indication of Trump’s willingness to resort to fraudulent means to cling to power.

Katyal’s critique serves as a reminder that the impeachment trial is not simply a matter of partisan politics, but a crucial test of the rule of law and the integrity of the democratic process. By shredding Trump’s defense as a “fraud,” Katyal underscores the seriousness of the charges against the former president and the necessity of holding him accountable for his actions.

As the trial unfolds, it is clear that Trump’s attempts to deflect, distort, and dissemble will not suffice to evade scrutiny. The mounting evidence and legal expertise, such as that offered by Katyal, only serve to reinforce the case against Trump and make it increasingly difficult for him to escape the consequences of his actions.

In the face of such damning revelations and expert analysis, it becomes increasingly imperative for the Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty and ensure that justice is served. As Katyal’s scathing criticism demonstrates, the truth will ultimately prevail over “twisted logic” and fraud, no matter how vehemently they are presented.

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6 months ago

I can’t say how long trump is going to be able to do his devilishment but it will catch up with him.

6 months ago

He and his supporters want to HAVE THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO!🤔🤨 Spout their 1st Amendment Rights when it suits them, and in the same breath spout Doing Away With It when it’s against them🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤯

6 months ago

Trumps unfit for office WAKE UP AMERICA

6 months ago

These MAGA folks have ZERO respect for law & are avid opponents of justice. They are at heart racists & neo-confederate/fascists whose primary political motivation is the overthrow of our democracy by advancing an authoritarian regime. They hide their evil intentions behind the Bible. The GQP has become a very dangerous organization.

6 months ago

Donald J Trump is using subliminal messaging to carry out his threats and he will continue to play on his first Amendment rights to threaten Judges Prosecutor's and those civilians who just work in the judicial system. Donald J Trump won't be stopped until his guttersnipe rhetoric gets someone killed. We all seen what happened January sixth capital rioting orchestrated by Donald J Trump and his co conspirators, 2021 after he lost the election.

6 months ago

Hunter´s winkin´…..Blinken is blinking, and Biden´s nodding …rub-a-dub-dub!!!!

6 months ago

"Freedom of speech includes freedom from propoganda"
Edmundo Eco. Italian writer & linquistic who grew up under Mussolinis fascism. He also said, "fascists have no ideology. They have style. Style is more alluring than ideology"

6 months ago

I think the "to gag or not to gag" would be a whole different and more valuable argument to the defendant if the defendants comments were not flat out lies!

6 months ago

Trump is the FAKE ! If you want the " termination " of the Constitution and concentration camps, Trump is for you.

6 months ago

This trial is election interference. Pretty pathetic that Biden is trying to lock up his political opponent. He wouldn't have to worry about it if he wasn't 😮the worst president we've ever had. These people made their entire campaign about getting Trump for anything they could come up with. You people are ridiculous.

6 months ago

Trump wants to do away with the constitution until he needs it

6 months ago

How can anyone believe the threats TFG provokes are campaign speech, not threats, legally or socially or morally acceptable???

6 months ago

Funny how he wants to use the Document he abhores yet repeatedly stating Publicly he's going yo destroy it. And make himself King for a Day…

6 months ago

*an appeals court

6 months ago

These are slow witted people.

6 months ago

Donald Trump IS "out of control."

6 months ago

out of our misery 👎‼️

6 months ago

dumper don needs an exorcist. What else can explain his dramatic decline and his vile words and behavior? Dementia? Many people with that disease don't act like him. Narcissism? Maybe, but that still doesn't explain his extreme vileness.

6 months ago

Aww it didn't work. And his appeal of the appeal denial didn't work. That's funny

6 months ago

Trump's GAG Order should be reinstated ASAP.