Keras Mahfud discusses Bobby-Kahiyang’s involvement in the Medan Blok | Dismissed TNI Soldier Recklessly Wears Kopassus Beret

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In this tutorial, we will be discussing the incident involving Keras Mahfud, who criticized Bobby-Kahiyang’s decision to block his party from entering Medan, North Sumatra. Keras Mahfud is a former Indonesian military general who served in the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and was later dismissed from his position. Additionally, we will be looking at the controversy surrounding Bobby-Kahiyang, who is the son of former Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The incident began when Keras Mahfud, who is a retired general, criticized Bobby-Kahiyang’s decision to block his party from entering Medan for a political event. Keras Mahfud accused Bobby-Kahiyang of abusing his power and using his family connections to manipulate the situation. He also accused Bobby-Kahiyang of being disrespectful to the TNI by wearing the Kopassus beret, which is a symbol of the Indonesian Special Forces.

Bobby-Kahiyang, who is a businessman and politician, responded to Keras Mahfud’s criticism by saying that he was simply following the orders of the Medan city government and had no intention of disrespecting the TNI or using his family connections to influence the situation. He also clarified that he was not wearing the Kopassus beret as a symbol of the Indonesian Special Forces, but rather as a symbol of his support for the TNI and his desire to honor their service.

The incident caused a public outcry, with many people expressing support for Keras Mahfud and criticizing Bobby-Kahiyang for his actions. Some people questioned Bobby-Kahiyang’s motives and accused him of using his family connections to further his own political agenda. Others defended Bobby-Kahiyang and praised him for standing up for what he believed was right.

In conclusion, the incident involving Keras Mahfud Soroti and Bobby-Kahiyang Blok Medan highlights the complexities of Indonesian politics and the challenges that individuals face when trying to navigate the political landscape. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the TNI and the sacrifices that they make to protect the country. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how they will respond to situations like this and how they will choose to conduct themselves in the public eye.

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15 days ago

Panggil dn periksa hukum tdk pandang bulu

15 days ago

Gak bakal berani KPK

15 days ago

Atributnya nanti disalah gunakan hrsnya di sita komandan

15 days ago

Mantap Pa Mahfud Tuhan Memberkati km dukung Pancasila Merdeka …………….siap dikung suara Rakyat bawah

15 days ago

Sdh seharus kpk itu periksa mantu dan ank nya jokowi

15 days ago

Wih ngeri maen blok tambang .😂

15 days ago

semua kebobobrakan akibat nafsu kekuasaan yg terlalu besar akhirnya ditelanjangi semua lapisan masyarakat..diakhir masa jabatan orangtuanya. kasihaan..😢

15 days ago

Tegakkan hukum walaupun itu anak Presiden. Penegak hukum di negeri harus tegas nggak perlu takut, tanpa pandang bulu.

15 days ago

Polisi nangkep sambo aja lama .apa lagi anak lurah

15 days ago

TNI ,polisi sebenarnya utk rakyat appa istana?

15 days ago


15 days ago

Ramaikan kasus blok medan

15 days ago

Mahpud jujur

15 days ago

Periksa dan tangkap boby terkait blok medan

15 days ago

BOBBY NASUTION calon GUBSU 2024 padahal dia terindikasi KORUPSI tambang,apakah tak ada lagi masyarakat SUMUT yg bersih dari tuduhan KORUPSI untuk di calonkan.katanya Sumut gudangnya orang pintar.ingat kalau kita memilih koruptor berarti kita siap dana Sumut untuk di korupsi.

15 days ago

Sangat sukar orank baik yang ingin memajukan indonesia memimpin indonesia krna penghalangnya oligarki makanya pemimpin sekarang orank2 jahat dan terlibat korupsi , tidak menyesal saya pilih ganjar mahmud waktu pilpres , meskipun kalah tapi kalah dengan terhormat ketimbang menang tapi menang kotroversi dan banyak curangx

15 days ago

Saya orang jatim, milih GAMA saat pilpres . Sehat selalu p Mahfud

15 days ago


15 days ago

Ala paling lihai ngeles nanti di demo orang madura lagi

15 days ago


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