Keynote Presentation by Developers at Google I/O ’24 in American Sign Language

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Developer Keynote (Google I/O ’24) – American Sign Language

Developer Keynote (Google I/O ’24) – American Sign Language

Google I/O is an annual developer conference organized by Google where they unveil their latest developments in technology, software, and more. The Developer Keynote is one of the highlights of the event, where major announcements and updates are shared with developers from around the world.

This year, Google I/O ’24 will feature an American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation of the Developer Keynote. This is a significant step towards making the event more inclusive for the deaf and hard of hearing community, ensuring that they can also access the latest information and updates from Google.

The ASL interpretation will be provided live during the Developer Keynote, allowing deaf and hard of hearing developers to follow along with the presentations and announcements. This is a powerful example of how technology can be used to break down barriers and make information more accessible to all.

By including ASL interpretation at the Developer Keynote, Google is sending a clear message that they are committed to diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. This initiative will hopefully inspire other tech companies to follow suit and make their events more accessible to people with disabilities.

We look forward to seeing the impact of the ASL interpretation at the Developer Keynote during Google I/O ’24, and we applaud Google for taking this important step towards a more inclusive tech community.

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1 month ago

google always pioneer in all

1 month ago

Trillium they send me big frame network design poster 1997 year and 2007 year, but 2005 year 5th May that days accidently catch fire, burn my server room 1 poster lost also computer, 100+ programming books. Trillium send me again 2nd network poster GPRS, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, PSTN, IMS many more. Hello Telecom, Thank you

1 month ago

Aburrido…. Nada de innovación que ya hacen la AI

1 month ago

3 hours, 2 million followers, and only 2 3 comments mean google went somewhere wrong

1 month ago

who needs developers when you got chatgpt 💀

1 month ago

Wonderful. Thank you, all of you. Love you all equally.