Keys for PySimpleGUI: A Comprehensive Guide

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PySimpleGUI is a Python library that provides a simple yet powerful way to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your programs. One important feature of PySimpleGUI is the use of "keys" to identify and access different elements in your GUI.

In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of keys in PySimpleGUI and how you can use them to create fully functional GUIs for your Python applications.

What are keys in PySimpleGUI?

Keys in PySimpleGUI are unique identifiers that are assigned to different elements in your GUI, such as buttons, input fields, and checkboxes. These keys are used to reference and interact with these elements in your Python code.

Keys are essential in PySimpleGUI because they allow you to access and manipulate elements in your GUI dynamically. For example, you can use keys to change the text of a button, get the value of an input field, or enable/disable a checkbox.

How to assign keys in PySimpleGUI?

Keys are assigned to elements in your PySimpleGUI layout by using the "key" parameter when creating the element. The key can be any string value that you choose, but it should be unique for each element in your layout.

For example, to create a button with the key "btn_submit", you can use the following code:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [
    [sg.Button('Submit', key='btn_submit')]

window = sg.Window('My GUI', layout)

while True:
    event, values =

    if event == 'btn_submit':
        # Do something when the button is clicked
        print('Button clicked!')

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:


In this example, we create a button with the key "btn_submit" and assign it to the button element. When the button is clicked, the event variable will contain the key of the element that triggered the event, allowing us to identify the button that was clicked.

Using keys to access elements in your GUI

Once you have assigned keys to elements in your GUI, you can use these keys to access and interact with these elements in your Python code. For example, you can get the value of an input field or change the text of a button using their keys.

To access elements in your GUI by their keys, you can use the values dictionary returned by the "read()" method of the Window object. This dictionary contains the current values of all elements in your GUI, indexed by their keys.

For example, to get the value of an input field with the key "inp_name", you can use the following code:

if event == 'btn_submit':
    name = values['inp_name']
    print(f'Name entered: {name}')

In this example, we access the value of an input field with the key "inp_name" by using values[‘inp_name’].

Tips for using keys in PySimpleGUI

Here are some tips for using keys effectively in your PySimpleGUI applications:

  1. Use descriptive keys: Choose keys that are descriptive and meaningful for each element in your GUI. This will make it easier to understand and maintain your code.

  2. Avoid using reserved keys: Do not use reserved keys such as sg.WIN_CLOSED or None for your elements. These keys are used internally by PySimpleGUI and can cause conflicts in your code.

  3. Use keys consistently: Use the same key to access the same element throughout your code. This will help you avoid confusion and make your code more readable.

  4. Use keys for dynamic interactions: Use keys to dynamically update and interact with elements in your GUI based on user actions. This will make your GUI more responsive and user-friendly.

Overall, keys are an essential part of PySimpleGUI that allow you to create dynamic and interactive GUIs for your Python applications. By understanding how keys work and following the tips mentioned in this tutorial, you can create powerful and user-friendly graphical interfaces with PySimpleGUI.

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16 days ago

Question. If I have several input in the layout and I use keys like In or something like that. How can I access these keys values to write them in a Table with rows and columns, as this Table is in the layout (and so values aren't read at this point).
I'm confused how this works.
I want to choose a type of malt then put in weight of that type of malt (I got all this working fine) and now I want to push a button 'add' to add these values in the first row of a table and the values I entered above are now cleared. When I input a second malt and weight and 'add' these should be added in the second row, etc.

16 days ago

It's no longer 'Keith' but Mr Keith, for sure.
This lesson is a way to input malts into a library.
Thank you Sir.

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