Kinshasa sends regional troops from DRC as part of East African Standby Force

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The East African Standby Force (EASF) has recently been activated as regional troops from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were dispatched to Kinshasa. This action comes in response to the escalating conflict in the region and the need to maintain peace and stability.

The EASF, established in 2004, is a regional organization composed of military, police, and civilian components from 10 countries in the East African region. The force is designed to be a rapid response mechanism to deal with conflicts and crises in the region, and is mandated to intervene in member states in the event of a crisis that threatens peace and security.

The deployment of troops from the DRC to Kinshasa is a significant move that demonstrates the commitment of the EASF to address the security challenges in the region. The ongoing conflict in the eastern part of the DRC, particularly in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri, has led to widespread violence, displacement, and humanitarian crises. The deployment of regional troops to Kinshasa is aimed at bolstering the efforts of the Congolese authorities to address the security situation and protect the civilian population.

The EASF’s intervention in the DRC is also a testament to the organization’s commitment to regional cooperation and solidarity in addressing security challenges. By mobilizing troops from member states to support the DRC, the EASF is demonstrating its readiness to act collectively to ensure peace and stability in the region.

The deployment of regional troops to Kinshasa also highlights the importance of regional organizations in addressing security challenges in Africa. The EASF’s intervention in the DRC is a clear demonstration of the organization’s capacity to respond to crises and support member states in maintaining peace and security.

In conclusion, the activation of the East African Standby Force and the dispatch of regional troops to Kinshasa from the DRC is a significant step towards addressing the escalating conflict in the region. The deployment of these troops demonstrates the commitment of the EASF to regional cooperation and solidarity, and the organization’s capacity to respond to security challenges in the region. It is hoped that the presence of regional troops in Kinshasa will contribute to efforts to address the security situation and bring about peace and stability in the DRC.

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6 months ago

they came to help the rebels shame on you!

6 months ago

Felix Tshisekedi is right 100%. These EAC presidents with their forces are real Judases. Useless kabisa.
Dinning and wining with the enemy. How does that help DRC ?
They are in Somalia killing Alshabaab for real. Uganda is in DRC as well killing ADF for real . Has been in South Sudan doing the same . Why does the game change when their neighbor DRC in need requests for help ? Well, since they dont want to help DRC, there is no point being there.
Angola alone can do a very good job. M23 and its backers understand only one language. Fire .
As East African people, I doubt anyone is interested in these rebel activities anywhere in East Africa.
It is our so called presidents breeding and feeding the monster.

6 months ago

Bye and don't come back again hypocrites friends !!! 😡

6 months ago

That kisekedi is mad is been accusing Kagame and now East African Forces

6 months ago

Any deployment force consisting of Kenyan forces will never deliver.

6 months ago

EAC is not United underneath.. just countries playing egos

6 months ago

Nonsense forces 🤮🤮🤮