Kivy MapView Tutorial: Creating a Clean and Stylish Map

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In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple and elegant map using the MapView widget in Kivy. The MapView widget allows you to integrate maps into your Kivy applications, enabling you to display interactive maps with markers and overlays.

Step 1: Setting up the environment
Before we begin, make sure you have Kivy installed on your system. You can install Kivy using pip:

pip install kivy

You will also need the MapView widget, which can be installed using the following command:

pip install kivy-garden

Once you have installed the necessary packages, you can import the required modules in your Python script:

from import App
from kivy_garden.mapview import MapView, MapMarker

Step 2: Creating a simple map
To create a simple map using the MapView widget, we first need to define a MapView object in our Kivy application:

class SimpleMap(App):
    def build(self):
        mapview = MapView(zoom=11, lat=37.7749, lon=-122.4194)
        return mapview

In the build method of the SimpleMap class, we create a MapView object with an initial zoom level of 11 and centering the map at the coordinates of San Francisco.

Step 3: Adding markers to the map
You can add markers to the map by creating MapMarker objects and adding them to the MapView. In the following example, we add a marker at the coordinates of the Golden Gate Bridge:

class SimpleMap(App):
    def build(self):
        mapview = MapView(zoom=11, lat=37.7749, lon=-122.4194)

        marker = MapMarker(lat=37.8199, lon=-122.4783)

        return mapview

By creating a MapMarker object with the desired coordinates and adding it to the MapView, we can display markers on the map.

Step 4: Running the application
To run the application, create an instance of the SimpleMap class and call the run method:

if __name__ == '__main__':

When you run the application, you should see a simple map with a marker at the location of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Step 5: Customizing the map
You can customize the appearance of the map by adjusting properties of the MapView object, such as the map type, gesture handling, and zoom controls. Here is an example of customizing the map type to satellite view and disabling zoom controls:

mapview = MapView(zoom=11, lat=37.7749, lon=-122.4194, maptype='satellite', interactive=False)

By adjusting the properties of the MapView object, you can create a map that suits the needs of your application.

In this tutorial, we have learned how to create a simple and elegant map using the MapView widget in Kivy. By adding markers and customizing the map appearance, you can create interactive maps that enhance the user experience of your Kivy applications.

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1 month ago

Hi everyone! One thing I forget to mention in the video: The MapMarkerPopup widget inherits from the Button class, which means you can use its on_release function. Hope you liked this tutorial! What kind of ideas do you guys have for a map-based app? Let me know 🙂

1 month ago

how write on_lat in the python not kivy ?

1 month ago

thank u so dang much.. u look like diplo(goodthing) 🙂

1 month ago


1 month ago

the marker don't work for me , some help

1 month ago

How's it going everyone. Has anyone had an issue with the mapview zoom being inverted? When I want to zoom in, it zooms out and when I want to zoom out it zooms in. Anyone solved this yet?

1 month ago

i wish you left the source code

1 month ago

Cool tutorial! I just have a question: the map view is too small and how do you resize it in kivymd?

1 month ago

Hi bro.
I want to ask if I have to load the map from any other class except the Main app class. How to do that?

1 month ago

other versions use kivy_garden instead of

"from kivy_garden.mapview import MapView"

1 month ago

This is great, does it work on ios?

1 month ago

Very helpful thank you!

1 month ago

Hi, Very good presentation. But I am not getting Marker on Map. If I mention source of the marker then marker is appearing on map. What is the issue?

1 month ago

Im having a problem building the app for android with build buildozer, what packages to include in spec?

1 month ago

Very good tutorial. I had a problem. I can't see the marker on the map. Have I to install some other stuff? I have the same problem with the Farmers market tutorial…

1 month ago

I don't know why but I get some error when running it says, KeyError: ''

1 month ago

With the double_tap_zoom feature, can you change the zoom amount when you double click?

1 month ago

Is there any way to alter the map itself? So it changes colour and stuff like that?

1 month ago

I have an issue trying to integrate Screen Manager Widget with MapView Widget.
I attached a full issue's description here:

Could anyone help me?

1 month ago

please how can i use google map instead as i wish to use the google direction/distance matrix