L8: tkinter đa màn hình “multi screen” 2023 “life” – Multiple Screens in tkinter for Enhanced User Experience in 2023

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L8: tkinter đa màn hình “multi screen” 2023 “life”

L8: tkinter đa màn hình “multi screen” 2023 “life”

Python’s tkinter library is a popular choice for creating graphical user interfaces. With tkinter, you can easily create multi-screen applications that allow users to navigate between different screens or windows. In this article, we will discuss how to implement multi-screen functionality in tkinter for the year 2023.

Setting up multiple screens with tkinter

One way to create multiple screens in tkinter is to use the Tk and Toplevel classes. The Tk class represents the main window of the application, while the Toplevel class can be used to create additional windows or screens. Here’s a simple example:

from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel

# Create the main window
root = Tk()

# Create a new window
screen1 = Toplevel(root)
screen1.title("Screen 1")

# Create another window
screen2 = Toplevel(root)
screen2.title("Screen 2")


In this example, we create the main window using the Tk class, and then create two additional windows using the Toplevel class. Each window has its own title and can contain different widgets or elements.

Implementing navigation between screens

To allow users to navigate between screens, we can use buttons or menu items that trigger the display of different screens. Here’s an example of how to implement navigation between screens:

from tkinter import Button

def show_screen1():

def show_screen2():

button1 = Button(root, text="Show Screen 1", command=show_screen1)

button2 = Button(root, text="Show Screen 2", command=show_screen2)

In this example, we define two functions show_screen1() and show_screen2() that make use of the lift() method to bring the respective screens to the front. We then create buttons that call these functions when clicked, allowing users to switch between screens.


In conclusion, tkinter provides a simple and effective way to create multi-screen applications for the year 2023. By utilizing the Toplevel class and implementing navigation between screens, you can create a user-friendly interface that enhances the user experience. Experiment with different layouts, widgets, and functionalities to create a dynamic and engaging multi-screen application in tkinter.