Latest Updates on Vite, RollupJS, & Prisma in JS Minutes #shorts

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JS Minutes #shorts Updates to Vite, RollupJS, & Prisma

JS Minutes #shorts Updates to Vite, RollupJS, & Prisma

JavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language that is widely used for building dynamic and interactive web applications. In this article, we will be discussing the recent updates to some of the popular JS tools and libraries – Vite, RollupJS, and Prisma.


Vite is a fast and lightweight build tool for modern web development that leverages ESBuild for blazingly fast builds. The latest update to Vite includes improved tree-shaking, support for async/await in HMR, and a new experimental feature called “script setup” for simplified Vue component setup. These updates aim to further improve the developer experience and performance of Vite-based projects.


RollupJS is a module bundler for JavaScript that focuses on producing small, efficient bundles. The recent update to RollupJS brings support for TypeScript 4.4 and improvements to the generated sourcemap quality. Additionally, RollupJS now also supports the “preserveEntrySignatures” option for preserving Named Exports signatures. These updates aim to enhance the TypeScript support and overall bundling performance of RollupJS.


Prisma is a modern database toolkit that enables type-safe database access and schema management. The latest update to Prisma includes support for PostgreSQL 14, improvements to error handling in the Prisma Client, and enhanced filtering capabilities for Prisma Client queries. These updates aim to provide better support for the latest database technologies and improve the overall developer experience when working with Prisma.

Overall, these updates to Vite, RollupJS, and Prisma showcase the continuous evolution of the JS ecosystem, with a focus on improving performance, developer experience, and support for the latest technologies. Developers can leverage these updates to build more efficient and maintainable web applications using these popular JS tools and libraries.