Latest Updates to TypeScript, Vite, & Marko in JS Minute #shorts

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JS Minute #shorts Updates

JS Minute #shorts Updates

In the latest episode of JS Minute #shorts, we have some exciting updates to share regarding TypeScript, Vite, and Marko. Let’s dive into what’s new in each of these technologies.


TypeScript, the popular programming language developed by Microsoft, has recently released version 4.4. This update brings several new features and improvements, including improvements to control flow analysis, better error messages, and enhanced support for ECMAScript features. Developers can now take advantage of these new features to write more robust and maintainable code with TypeScript.


Vite, the fast and modern build tool for web development, has also received an update. Version 2.6 of Vite introduces improved tree shaking, faster HMR (hot module replacement), and better compatibility with Vue.js and React. These enhancements will help developers build and optimize their web applications more efficiently with Vite.


Marko, the fast and lightweight UI library, has made significant improvements in its latest release. With version 5.6, Marko now supports server-side rendering (SSR) for components and templates, making it easier to render Marko components on the server for better performance and SEO. Additionally, the update includes several bug fixes and performance optimizations, making Marko even more powerful for building modern web applications.

These updates to TypeScript, Vite, and Marko demonstrate the continuous evolution and improvement of these technologies to meet the needs of developers and enable them to build better web applications. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the world of JavaScript and web development!