Launching a FastAPI Service in Azure Containers in Less Than 10 Minutes: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Launch a FastAPI Service in Azure Containers in Less Than 10 Minutes!

How to Launch a FastAPI Service in Azure Containers in Less Than 10 Minutes!

Are you looking to deploy a FastAPI service in Azure Containers but not sure where to start? Look no further! With these simple steps, you can have your FastAPI service up and running in no time.

Step 1: Set Up Your Azure Account

First, you’ll need to create an Azure account. If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for a free account on the Azure website. Once you have your account set up, you’ll need to create a new container registry to store your container images.

Step 2: Create and Configure Your FastAPI Service

Next, you’ll need to create your FastAPI service. You can do this by following the FastAPI documentation to create a new project and set up your endpoints. Once your service is ready, you’ll need to create a Dockerfile to build your container image.

Step 3: Build and Push Your Container Image

With your Dockerfile in place, you can build your container image using the Docker CLI. Once your image is built, you’ll need to push it to your Azure container registry. This can be done using the az acr build command in the Azure CLI.

Step 4: Deploy Your FastAPI Service to Azure Containers

Finally, you can deploy your FastAPI service to Azure Containers. Using the Azure CLI, you can create a new container instance and specify the image from your container registry. Once your container is up and running, you can access your FastAPI service using the public IP address provided by Azure.


With these simple steps, you can have your FastAPI service up and running in Azure Containers in less than 10 minutes. By following this guide, you’ll be able to deploy your FastAPI service with ease and start taking advantage of the scalability and reliability of Azure Containers.

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6 months ago

Instead of re-building your docker image you can also just change the tag (thanks for the tip Sam):
`docker image tag <old tag> <new tag>`

6 months ago

I really hate the way you chose to talk , but thanks for the video

6 months ago

Very well made. I was struggling for a few hours until I came across your video. Concise and straight to the point!

6 months ago

How can you add HTTP authentication to a Container App? I know we could add it at the application layer, but then we'd get billed for even unauthorized attempts..

6 months ago

step on Azure that free or not sir ?

and necessary to use with Dockerfile ?

6 months ago

Thank so much please upload more more …

6 months ago

Great tutorial, very helpful! Everything still works

6 months ago

How to connect it with database?

6 months ago

Awesome tutorial!

6 months ago

What will the pricing for this?
Container registery and container instance?

Is it too costly compare to virtual machines?

6 months ago

Awesome tutorial everything worked out but for the last part, after creating container instance i am trying to access with container’a IP but getting a gateway timeout error. Any idea?

6 months ago

Thank you! This helped a lot.

6 months ago

Thanks mate. Super useful. Any chance you can do a vid on debugging the code in the container on Azure?

6 months ago

Finally I found the easiest tutorial ever ! Thank you so much !!