
Learn All About React Hooks in This Comprehensive Course

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React Hooks Course – All React Hooks Explained

React Hooks Course – All React Hooks Explained

Welcome to the React Hooks Course, where we will cover all the essential hooks that you need to know for building powerful React applications.


Before we dive into the hooks, let’s quickly go through the installation steps:

$ npm install react
$ npm install react-dom

Hooks List

  • useState

    The useState hook allows you to add state to functional components. Using this hook, you can easily manage and update component state.

  • useEffect

    The useEffect hook enables you to perform side effects in functional components. It replaces lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount.

  • useContext

    The useContext hook allows you to access the value of a context directly in a functional component, without the need for a consumer component.

  • useReducer

    The useReducer hook is similar to useState, but it allows for more complex state management. It follows the same principles as Redux for managing global state.

  • useCallback

    The useCallback hook is used to optimize performance by memoizing a function value, not recomputing it unless its dependencies change.

  • useMemo

    The useMemo hook is similar to useCallback, but it memoizes an expensive computed value, not a function.

  • useRef

    The useRef hook allows you to create a mutable reference that persists across re-render cycles. It can be used to access DOM nodes or store any mutable value.

  • useLayoutEffect

    The useLayoutEffect hook is similar to useEffect, but it runs synchronously after all DOM mutations so you can safely mutate the DOM.

  • useImperativeHandle

    The useImperativeHandle hook allows you to customize the instance value that is exposed to parent components when using ref forwarding.

  • useDebugValue

    The useDebugValue hook is used to display custom labels or values when inspecting hooks in React DevTools.

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7 months ago

Hey everyone! A lot of you guys are asking what is the extension that autocompletes stuff in this video. The extension I am using is Github Copilot! I just posted a video going over my favourite VSCODE extensions: https://youtu.be/ZPcrEOHpEnU

7 months ago

Finally got the difference between useMemo and useCallback, thanks!!

7 months ago

Pedro Tech is now in my save list….

7 months ago

Nice tutorial, thanks for the video.

Shams Tabrez
7 months ago

Which VS extension are you using ?

7 months ago

This is really useful, thanks for putting this up!

7 months ago

Clear Man

phalguni roy
7 months ago

Thanks a lot ❤🙏🏼

Abhishek Choudhary
7 months ago

Amazing video. This is the only video which clearly explained hooks to me. Many thanks to you.

7 months ago

Awesome Tutorial. Improve code for Button Click : // Button Listener

const increment = (event) => {

if (event.detail === 1) { // Single Click

setCounter(counter + 1);

} else if (event.detail === 2) { // Double Click

setCounter(counter + 20);




85_Fauziya _Sayed
7 months ago

Thanks Sir

William Christian
7 months ago

Hello, what extension are you using in Visual Studio?

Noha Ashraf
7 months ago

many thanks Pedro for this amazing tutorial u helped me to understand hooks in a simple way .. keep Going

7 months ago

Dude, cant see the text in all that Red. Moving on to another tutorial.

Abdullah M
7 months ago

just now finished the video .appericiated ❤ simple explanation thank you

7 months ago

You got way too many ads dude

7 months ago

1:16:00 drowning season

Ujjwal Agrawal
7 months ago

whats the extension used to which suggests code completion?

Valadis Pitsas
7 months ago

Great video. Very informative.

Sean Zhao
7 months ago

I am out of my words, but "Appreciate it!!!"