Learn Django for Everyone – Comprehensive Python University Program

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Django is a high-level web framework written in Python that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern, which is similar to the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern commonly used in web development. Django is designed to be easy to use and allows developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently.

In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Django, including setting up a development environment, creating a new project, setting up a database, creating models, views, and templates, and deploying the application to a production server. This tutorial is designed for beginners who are interested in learning how to build web applications using Django.

Setting up a development environment

Before we can start building web applications with Django, we need to set up a development environment. The first step is to install Python on your computer. Django requires Python 3.6 or higher, so make sure you have the correct version installed.

Next, we need to install Django using pip, which is the package manager for Python. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install django

This will install the latest version of Django on your computer. Once Django is installed, we can create a new Django project.

Creating a new project

To create a new Django project, run the following command in the terminal:

django-admin startproject myproject

Replace “myproject” with the name of your project. This command will create a new directory with the project structure and configuration files for your Django project.

Setting up a database

Django uses an object-relational mapping (ORM) system to interact with databases. By default, Django uses SQLite as the database backend, but you can configure it to use other databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle.

To set up a database for your Django project, open the settings.py file in the myproject directory and update the DATABASES setting with the database configuration. For example, to use PostgreSQL, you would configure the DATABASES setting like this:

‘default’: {
‘ENGINE’: ‘django.db.backends.postgresql’,
‘NAME’: ‘mydatabase’,
‘USER’: ‘myuser’,
‘PASSWORD’: ‘mypassword’,
‘HOST’: ‘localhost’,
‘PORT’: ‘5432’,

Once you have configured the database settings, you can create the database by running the following command in the terminal:

python manage.py migrate

This will create the necessary tables in the database for your Django project.

Creating models, views, and templates

Models in Django are used to define the data structure for your application. To create a new model, open the models.py file in the myapp directory and define a new class that extends the models.Model class. For example:

from django.db import models

class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
content = models.TextField()
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

Once you have defined your models, you can create views to handle the logic for your application. Views in Django are Python functions that take a request object and return a response object. To create a new view, open the views.py file in the myapp directory and define a new function. For example:

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Post

def post_list(request):
posts = Post.objects.all()
return render(request, ‘post_list.html’, {‘posts’: posts})

Finally, you can create templates to display the data in your application. Templates in Django are HTML files that include template tags and filters to dynamically render data. To create a new template, create a new directory called templates in the myapp directory and create a new HTML file. For example, create a file called post_list.html with the following content:

{% for post in posts %}

{{ post.title }}

{{ post.content }}

{% endfor %}

Deploying the application to a production server

Once you have finished building your Django application, you can deploy it to a production server. There are several ways to deploy Django applications, but one common method is to use a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider such as Heroku or PythonAnywhere.

To deploy your Django application to Heroku, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI on your computer.
2. Create a new Heroku app using the Heroku CLI.
3. Set the Django secret key as an environment variable on Heroku.
4. Configure the DATABASES setting to use a PostgreSQL database on Heroku.
5. Push your Django project to the Heroku app using git.

Once your Django application is deployed to a production server, you can access it using a web browser and start using your web application.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of Django, including setting up a development environment, creating a new project, setting up a database, creating models, views, and templates, and deploying the application to a production server. Django is a powerful web framework that allows developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently. By following this tutorial, you can start building web applications with Django and take your Python programming skills to the next level.

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1 month ago

I am honored to have my work part of the impressive Free Code Camp effort. We are all committed to making free high quality education to anyone around the world. I welcome you to Django for Everybody.

1 month ago

Whisper and Gemini 1.5 Pro transcript breakdown:

## Django for Everybody – Transcript Breakdown

*00:00.001 –> 00:06.500: Introduction*

* *Why Django?* (00:00.001 –> 00:06.500)

*00:06.500 –> 00:55.500: The Journey to Django*

* *From PHP to Python* (00:06.500 –> 01:56.500)
* *Django vs. Flask: A Universal Choice* (01:56.500 –> 03:08.500)
* *Django for Complete Websites* (03:08.500 –> 04:45.500)
* *The Rise of Python for Web Applications* (04:45.500 –> 06:55.500)

*07:04.500 –> 12:58.500: Dynamic Web Content and HTTP*

* *Understanding Web Application Protocols* (07:04.500 –> 08:41.500)
* *The Request Response Cycle* (08:41.500 –> 12:58.500)

*12:58.500 –> 29:26.500: HTTP and Network Sockets*

* *Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)* (12:58.500 –> 16:25.500)
* *Open Standards and RFCs* (16:25.500 –> 19:14.500)
* *Deep Dive into RFC 2616* (19:14.500 –> 26:34.500)
* *Embracing the Command Line* (26:34.500 –> 29:26.500)

*29:26.500 –> 59:45.500: Building a Simple Browser and Server in Python*

* *Network Sockets: Phone Calls for Computers* (29:26.500 –> 33:02.500)
* *IP Addresses and Ports* (33:02.500 –> 35:51.500)
* *Building a Simple Python Browser* (35:51.500 –> 43:37.500)
* *Building a Simple Python Server* (43:37.500 –> 53:50.500)
* *Testing the Client-Server Interaction* (53:50.500 –> 59:45.500)

*01:00.47.500 –> 01:10:39.500: The Browser Debugger Console*

* *Introduction to the Debugger Console* (01:00.47.500 –> 01:02:20.500)
* *Analyzing Request Response Cycles* (01:02:20.500 –> 01:05:35.500)
* *Inspecting the Document Object Model (DOM)* (01:05:35.500 –> 01:10:39.500)

*01:10:39.500 –> 01:34:38.500: Django Application Structure*

* *Understanding Django Projects and Applications* (01:10:39.500 –> 01:12:13.500)
* *Exploring the File Structure* (01:12:13.500 –> 01:13:55.500)
* *Django's Request Response Flow* (01:13:55.500 –> 01:17:24.500)
* *Setting up Django on PythonAnywhere* (01:17:24.500 –> 01:34:38.500)

*01:34:38.500 –> 02:08:22.500: HTML: The Hypertext Markup Language*

* *HTML in the Request Response Cycle* (01:34:38.500 –> 01:35:24.500)
* *The Evolution of HTML* (01:35:24.500 –> 01:38:56.500)
* *The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)* (01:38:56.500 –> 01:40:21.500)
* *HTML Syntax* (01:40:21.500 –> 01:54:24.500)
* *Exploring Sample HTML Code* (01:54:24.500 –> 02:08:22.500)

*02:08:22.500 –> 03:03:17.500: CSS: Cascading Style Sheets*

* *CSS and the Request Response Cycle* (02:08:22.500 –> 02:10:51.500)
* *The Importance of CSS* (02:10:51.500 –> 02:17:37.500)
* *CSS Syntax* (02:17:37.500 –> 02:20:58.500)
* *Connecting CSS and HTML* (02:20:58.500 –> 02:29:56.500)
* *The Span and Div Tags* (02:29:56.500 –> 02:36:11.500)
* *CSS Selectors* (02:36:11.500 –> 03:03:17.500)

*03:03:17.500 –> 03:28:50.500: More CSS Concepts and Sample Code*

* *Images and Colors* (03:03:17.500 –> 03:07:02.500)
* *Anchor Tag Styling* (03:07:02.500 –> 03:09:19.500)
* *More CSS Samples* (03:09:19.500 –> 03:28:50.500)

*03:29:06.500 –> 04:12:48.500: Introduction to SQL*

* *Moving Code to Github (Optional)* (03:29:06.500 –> 03:36:00.500)
* *Installing Django Locally (Optional)* (03:36:00.500 –> 04:12:48.500)

*04:12:48.500 –> 04:39:13.500: Simple Django Models*

* *SQL Review* (04:12:48.500 –> 04:21:24.500)
* *Object Relational Mappers (ORMs)* (04:21:24.500 –> 04:23:23.500)
* *Django Models and Migrations* (04:23:23.500 –> 04:30:06.500)
* *The Django Shell* (04:30:06.500 –> 04:32:51.500)
* *CRUD Operations with ORM* (04:32:51.500 –> 04:39:13.500)

*04:39:13.500 –> 05:18:11.500: Data Modeling*

* *Make Migrations and Migrate in Detail* (04:39:13.500 –> 04:46:50.500)
* *Using the Django Shell for Data Models* (04:46:50.500 –> 04:58:27.500)
* *More One-to-Many Relationships* (04:58:27.500 –> 05:18:11.500)

*05:18:11.500 –> 06:50:06.500: Django Views and Templates*

* *Model View Controller (MVC)* (05:18:11.500 –> 05:25:31.500)
* *Django Views and URLs* (05:25:31.500 –> 05:38:39.500)
* *Security and Cross-site Scripting (XSS)* (05:38.39.500 –> 05:46:50.500)
* *Django Templates* (05:46.50.500 –> 06:15:18.500)
* *Template Inheritance* (06:15:18.500 –> 06:21:34.500)
* *URL Mapping and Reversing* (06:21:34.500 –> 06:34:18.500)
* *Generic Views* (06:34:18.500 –> 06:50:06.500)

*06:50:06.500 –> 07:51:54.500: Django Forms, Cookies, and Sessions*

* *Introduction to Forms* (06:50:06.500 –> 06:59:14.500)
* *HTML Form Elements* (06:59:14.500 –> 07:11:02.500)
* *Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)* (07:11:02.500 –> 07:21:54.500)
* *Cookies and Sessions* (07:21:54.500 –> 07:51:54.500)

*07:51:54.500 –> 08:39:04.500: Many-to-Many Relationships*

* *Database Normalization* (07:51:54.500 –> 08:01:24.500)
* *Modeling Many-to-Many Relationships* (08:01:24.500 –> 08:09:08.500)
* *Implementing Many-to-Many in Django* (08:09:08.500 –> 08:39:04.500)

*08:39:04.500 –> 09:00:18.500: Django Login and Logout*

* *Django's Built-in Authentication System* (08:39:04.500 –> 08:42:50.500)
* *Managing Users and Sessions* (08:42:50.500 –> 09:00:18.500)

*09:00:18.500 –> 11:19:08.500: Django Forms and Crispy Forms*

* *Django Form Objects* (09:00:18.500 –> 09:09:12.500)
* *Using Forms in Templates* (09:09:12.500 –> 09:13:44.500)
* *Form Validation* (09:13:44.500 –> 11:08:26.500)
* *Crispy Forms* (11:08:26.500 –> 11:19:08.500)

*11:19:08.500 –> 13:59:18.500: JavaScript, jQuery, and the DOM*

* *Owning Rows in Models* (11:19:08.500 –> 11:49:20.500)
* *Bootstrap Menu* (11:49:20.500 –> 12:03:40.500)
* *More Many-to-Many Examples* (12:03:40.500 –> 12:31:51.500)
* *Loading Data into Django Databases* (12:31:51.500 –> 12:47:08.500)
* *JavaScript Introduction* (12:47:08.500 –> 13:11:02.500)
* *JavaScript in the Browser* (13:11:02.500 –> 13:41:54.500)
* *Object-Oriented JavaScript* (13:41:54.500 –> 13:59:18.500)

*13:59:18.500 –> 16:11:25.500: More on jQuery and the DOM*

* *Working with Objects in JavaScript* (13:59:18.500 –> 14:12:50.500)
* *More on jQuery* (14:12:50.500 –> 15:50:27.500)
* *Ajax and JSON* (15:50:27.500 –> 16:11:25.500)

*16:11:25.500 –> 17:42:45.500: Building a Simple Chat Application*

* *Building a Simple Chat with JSON* (16:11:25.500 –> 16:25:27.500)
* *Chat Application Walkthrough Part 1* (16:25:27.500 –> 16:41:37.500)
* *Chat Application Walkthrough Part 2* (16:41:37.500 –> 17:12:25.500)
* *Favicon Implementation* (17:12:25.500 –> 17:42:45.500)

*17:42:45.500 –> 18:32:45.500: More Django Projects and Behind the Scenes*

* *Many-to-Many Relationships with Comments* (17:42:45.500 –> 18:04:15.500)
* *Behind the Scenes: Creating a Lecture* (18:04:15.500 –> 18:32:45.500)

1 month ago

one of the worst aspects of learning web dev in youtube is that you don't have access to table of contents and the underlying principles of things that is very important to understand what is going on. only the old timers understand what is of importance is missing. and this course is the best in this scope. instead of just jumping into the django itself it tries to teach what problems we have in web and then how django can help us in that manner . this is a full course about web development and it is in my view a gold mine.

1 month ago

The video quality is 🎉

1 month ago

Can I start Freelancing after completion of this course or can I able to land on a job after this course

1 month ago

Great to learn from you sir, I am honored to learn from one of the ideal teachers. Love and Regards, Asst. Prof. Syed Faisal Ali

1 month ago

27:00 Accurate Hacking is portrayed in Mr Robot

1 month ago

Going to start this on 2nd june, and will not quit until i complete it.

1 month ago

wow…I'm gonna deep dive in this for sure! Look at this table of contents! Thanks Charles!

1 month ago

That's the most complete web development YouTube course I have ever watched.
I have never seen someone teaches how the server side really worked, normally a course like that starts directly at "Installing Django"

1 month ago

I tried every django book/tutorial many of which were paid. But this is hands down the BEST ONE to learn django.

1 month ago

i judge yes i judge

1 month ago

08:29:51 Install django-extensions

1 month ago

Is this course still valid in 2024?

1 month ago

this men made me the SWE i am today. thank you sir

1 month ago

2/10 for this course, no examples for practice

1 month ago

I am grateful for your effort. Thanks a lot

1 month ago

Very informative content. Plenty of useful and valuable material here. However, this is not where you want to learn Django for your first time. I will say come back here after you know how Django works, and use this as a reference. The Dr presents the material in a "how-to" manner. That's to say he basically narrates the procedures. The "why" is largely missing, and thus new learners will find it hard to see the big picture. However, after you have a working knowledge of Django, come back here for great revision, then write to the Dr. and thank him for such dedication.

1 month ago

cool video)

1 month ago
