
Learn how to build a full website using Next.js 13 and Prismic with our comprehensive tutorial course

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Next.js 13 and Prismic – Full Website Tutorial Course

Next.js 13 and Prismic – Full Website Tutorial Course

In this tutorial series, we will cover how to build a full website using Next.js 13 and Prismic. Next.js is a popular React framework for building fast and scalable web applications, while Prismic is a powerful headless CMS that allows you to create and manage content for your website.


Next.js 13 is the latest version of the framework, which comes with several new features and improvements. Prismic is also a highly popular CMS that offers a flexible and easy-to-use content management system for developers and content creators.

Getting Started

To begin with, we will start by setting up a new Next.js project and integrating Prismic as our content management system. We will cover how to create a Prismic account, set up a new repository, define content types, and create content for our website.

Building the Frontend

Next, we will dive into building the frontend of our website using Next.js. We will cover how to create pages, components, and layouts, and how to fetch and display content from Prismic using the Prismic API.

Styling and Theming

We will also cover how to style our website using CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components, and how to set up a theming system to manage the appearance of our website.

Optimizing for Performance

Next.js 13 comes with several new features for optimizing performance, such as automatic image optimization, static site generation, and server-side rendering. We will cover how to use these features to ensure that our website is fast and efficient.


Finally, we will cover how to deploy our Next.js and Prismic website to popular hosting platforms like Vercel or Netlify. We will also cover best practices for optimizing our website for production.


By the end of this tutorial series, you will have a complete understanding of how to build a full website using Next.js 13 and Prismic. You will have learned how to set up a new project, integrate Prismic as a content management system, build the frontend, optimize for performance, and deploy your website to the web.

We hope you find this tutorial series helpful, and we look forward to seeing the amazing websites you will create with Next.js 13 and Prismic!

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Alex Trost
7 months ago

I'm so excited to see how you enjoy working with Slice Machine and the Prismic page builder. Please ask any questions, or let me know what you'd like to learn to build next!

Keta Mophinadze
7 months ago

Hi! Thanks for the tutorial. Which VS code theme do you use here?

Skull Greymon
7 months ago

So is this outdated ?

7 months ago

At first the fonts weren't working, but I had installed the current version of node.js instead of the LTS stable version. Just in case someone else is experiencing the same issue!

Haikel Areff
7 months ago

thank you, u help me a lot

7 months ago

Thank you. This was really helpful

Rodrigo Polim
7 months ago

Hey, guys, does anybody know whats the extension that put the underscore into the tag?

Filipe Valente Gomes
7 months ago

do you guys have a video about form integration?

Filipe Valente Gomes
7 months ago

.Really like using Prismic, but we really need to be able to rename and delete variations. Conditional fields should also be possible.

Filipe Valente Gomes
7 months ago

Hey, is there a way to add an active class to the navigation, so I can style the link of the page we are on?

Charity Smith
7 months ago

Thank you Alex for the tutorial. Absolutely falling in love with Prismic. I am having one issue while following the tutorial when connecting PrismicPreview. I have followed your steps exactly but as soon as the preview opens it flashes then exit immediately. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Filipe Valente Gomes
7 months ago

Thanks for the video, it was very helpful. Is it possible to brand the prismic menus, like change the colors, or add the logo of the project, for example.

7 months ago

Use html code "©" for copyright symbol 😉

Younes Henni
7 months ago

Great tutorial 🙂

Conor Bailey
7 months ago

Awesome course! Thanks so much!

Colombus LeBus
7 months ago

Love the tutorial ! CLSX is great but i felt the refactoring was a bit overkill since we barely go throught what it is and we use it to refactor components after, tailwind is ugli but using clsx is just makeup and not really helpful after all its just move stuff to another place. imo

7 months ago


Bir Singh
7 months ago

Can we use api as well to create mobile app from the same content?

7 months ago

Thank you, Alex. Amazing work, as always! Lots of great nuggets that helped me!

Jonathan D
7 months ago

Congrats Alex, this class is fantastic!