
Learn How to Build Full Stack Apps with Next.js 13 in a Crash Course!

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Next.js 13 Crash Course | Learn How To Build Full Stack Apps!

Next.js 13 Crash Course

Learn How To Build Full Stack Apps!


Next.js 13 is the latest version of the popular framework for building full stack applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this crash course will guide you through the process of creating dynamic and interactive web applications using Next.js.

Why Next.js?

Next.js provides a powerful and efficient way to build modern web applications. It combines the best features of server-side rendering with the simplicity and ease of use of React framework. With automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and simple deployment, Next.js is a great choice for building fast and SEO-friendly applications.

What You Will Learn

In this crash course, you will learn how to:

  • Set up a new Next.js project
  • Create dynamic pages with data fetching
  • Build reusable components
  • Implement server-side rendering (SSR)
  • Handle HTTP requests and API integrations
  • Deploy your Next.js app to the cloud

Course Content

The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Installation and setup
  2. Creating pages and routes
  3. Fetching data from APIs
  4. Styling your app with CSS modules
  5. Deploying your app to Vercel


By the end of this crash course, you will have a solid understanding of Next.js and be able to build your own full stack applications. Whether you are a frontend developer looking to level up your skills or a backend developer wanting to dive into modern frontend technologies, Next.js is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal. Get ready to explore the exciting world of Next.js and take your web development skills to the next level!

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Vipul Lal
8 months ago

You can do jal neti to clear your nose…

Nice video, thanks

Antun Črnja
8 months ago

If we are fetchicg those movies server side, how to filter, search, paginate and sort movies? p.s. thanks for this great tut!

8 months ago

I'm curious.
I followed the steps but I do not get an app folder?
I have searched online and in the docs. Has something changed?

8 months ago

hey dev , hope you are doing good, i did js in somewhat advance and little bot cleared concept on react now i want to dive in next js 13 guide me from where i start this to learn complete next js and start working on projects like ecommerce , tailwindcss etc

Cristian Nass
8 months ago


Mail Backup
8 months ago

Thanks BRo

skynet is real
8 months ago

video starts at 0:55

8 months ago

It's not a full stack app, when you are using external api

Abderrahmane Yousfi
8 months ago

Bro really smokes something with his breakfast 🤣🤣 Amazing tutorial btw !

8 months ago

Thank you so much for your tutorials. I love the way you teach, it makes me feel like we are just having a conversation while I also learn something new. Please continue with your vibe! 🙂

8 months ago

amazing video. I never thought i would sit through a 1-hour tutorial without skipping or pausing. But the whole thing was so concise, well-explained, and somewhat entertaining.

8 months ago

It would be better if you cut out the bits where you make mistakes and are wondering what’s happening, it’s not that hard to edit your videos and save the viewers some time

8 months ago

Thank You so Much, Helped my Understanding in trying to Pick up Next JS. Thought it was confusing and still kinda is, but mainly due to be redirected to old docs. Thanks!

Olexandr Krasulia
8 months ago

And how can you add pagination to this project. It would be cool to see a continuation of this project))

Thank you☺

8 months ago

Hey Ed great video, I wanted to ask if you can make a video about pagination with this kind of API fetching.
I tried to use the use-pagination hook from mantine but unfortunately couldn't get it to work.

Catalin Catalin
8 months ago

Still considering dislike the video for comparing the last of us game with the movie 😂

Eric Malek
8 months ago

This is incredible! There are sources out there who charge for much lesser quality and you are providing it FREE! God bless you brother! and thank you!

8 months ago

For those of you asking, he's using Material Theme Ocean High Contrast

Nortoy Nortoy
8 months ago

Great tutorial❤. But text on the browser is small to see on the phone

Muhammed Özalp
8 months ago

Thanks for that great tutorial bro