Learn How to Style with Next.js 13: Global CSS, CSS Modules, Tailwind, Fonts, and Inline Styles Tutorials

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Next.js 13 Tutorial | Styling

Next.js 13 Tutorial | Styling

In this tutorial, we will learn about different styling options in Next.js 13.

Global CSS

Next.js allows you to use global CSS files to style your application. You can create a file called global.css in the styles directory in your Next.js project and all the styles in this file will be applied globally to your application.

CSS Modules

CSS Modules in Next.js allow you to scope CSS locally by default. You can create a CSS file with the .module.css extension and import it into your component. The styles in the module will be scoped to that component only.


Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom designs without writing CSS. Next.js has built-in support for Tailwind CSS, so you can easily integrate it into your Next.js project.


To use custom fonts in your Next.js project, you can import the font file into your CSS and apply it to the elements in your application.

Inline Styles

Next.js also allows you to use inline styles to style your components. You can pass a style object to the style attribute of an element to apply inline styles.

Overall, Next.js provides a variety of options for styling your application, from global CSS to CSS modules, Tailwind, custom fonts, and inline styles. Choose the option that best suits your project and style away!

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4 months ago

Which is best for website performance increase sir

4 months ago

nice! thank you for the tutorial! It's helping me a lot!

4 months ago

Thanks os much !

4 months ago

This was truly helpful

4 months ago

It would be nice if you make a video about langchain executers and streaming. I'm struggling with it 😢