
Learn LangChain in 25 Minutes and Build an AutoGPT App

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LangChain Crash Course: Build a AutoGPT app in 25 minutes!

Welcome to LangChain Crash Course

Interested in building an AutoGPT app in just 25 minutes? Look no further! LangChain Crash Course is here to help you build your own AutoGPT app quickly and easily.

Why AutoGPT?

AutoGPT is a powerful tool that uses advanced natural language processing to generate human-like text based on prompts. It can be used for a wide range of applications, from content creation to chatbots and more. Building an AutoGPT app can open up endless possibilities for your projects and businesses.

What You’ll Learn

During this crash course, you’ll learn how to set up the LangChain AutoGPT platform, integrate it with your app, and start generating human-like text in just 25 minutes. This crash course is designed for both beginners and experienced developers, so no prior experience with AutoGPT is required.

How to Get Started

To get started, simply sign up for the LangChain Crash Course and follow the step-by-step instructions. You’ll have access to all the necessary resources and support to help you build your AutoGPT app in no time.

Join the LangChain Community

LangChain Crash Course is more than just a learning experience. It’s also an opportunity to connect with a community of developers and entrepreneurs who are passionate about natural language processing and AutoGPT technology. Join our community to network, share ideas, and collaborate on exciting projects.

Start Building Today

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build your own AutoGPT app in just 25 minutes. Sign up for the LangChain Crash Course and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of AutoGPT technology. Whether you’re a hobbyist, a student, or a professional developer, this crash course is perfect for anyone interested in harnessing the power of natural language processing.

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7 months ago

Before watching your video I was actually worried LangChain is a useless wrapper. Thanks to you I see it can be used as intended.

Piyush Shah
7 months ago

@12:22 in the script_template we define the input prompt as title. This title is the output of the title_template. But, I don't see this being defined. I mean, we haven't explicity said that the output of script_template is title. So then, how does the script_template figure that out?

Shlok Kumar
7 months ago

I am good at learning statistics and all the contents based on machine learning with the formulas they use but i lack in python allot, even if trued leaning python for ml,py for automation and everything 🥲

7 months ago

Is there a free version that doesn’t use openai

7 months ago

Just found your channel. Epic content brother. Thanks for taking the time to share! Can you show how us how we would actually upload something like this to a website (as opposed to being on your localhost)?

7 months ago

This is a quality article. If you find this engaging, a parallel book is recommended. "From Bytes to Consciousness: A Comprehensive Guide to Artificial Intelligence" by Stuart Mills

7 months ago


Malhar Padir
7 months ago

do you need to buy credits with openai for this? I'm just a student trying to make a small project, and I'm getting rate limit errors?

7 months ago

That was great

Gabriele Guo
7 months ago

Be careful, you've exposed your api key Nicholas. I hope you've deleted that key after.

Viktor Vegh
7 months ago

This is ass

Kurt Hannemann
7 months ago

I spent a few hours with you this morning writing my first script. Your script, though I didn't realize you'd be chopping and changing stuff everywhere. I got it in the end and learned lots. Cheers mate

Jason Fleagle
7 months ago

The github code link doesn't seem to be the right one in the description? Or am I missing something?

Ernest Asena
7 months ago

Simply awesome. Thanks for making this.

Ancient Amulet
7 months ago

I just write a video title myself with my own originality. XXXX automated spam you millennials are going to turn www into spamworld and become the first generation of idiocrats. Shame you were born after the real world ended, Plastic People with no ideas making genius scripts to make video titles because they themself have no imagination.

Ancient Amulet
7 months ago

except its BS because the info is not accurate. `6:18 what is the fastest car in the world? The fastest car in the world is: Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut (330 MPH) That title goes to the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut, which recorded a staggering 330 mph top speed earlier in 2023. (not the BUgatti noob!)
App is misinforming hence NSFW as it is going to cause idiocracy (as are all AI language models)
Comparing Koenigsegg And Bugatti
Koenigsegg vehicles are designed for speed and performance, and they often have more powerful engines than Bugatti vehicles. As a result, Koenigsegg vehicles are typically faster than Bugatti vehicles.

Harold ハロルド ཧེ་རོལཌ། A
7 months ago

It would be really more interesting video if when the timer runs out and you're not done yet, your seat collapse and you fall in a tub full of water with some eels swimming around.

Vinayak Jaiswal
7 months ago

hey nicholas , i am facing a problem , while installing chromadb , cmd says "could not build wheels for chroma-hnswlib" can you help me with this, i searched on stack overflow but ccould n't find a solution

Robert Hans
7 months ago

In the scenario of conversational robots, how to limit the token consumption of the entire conversation?

For example, once the consumption reaches 1,000, it will prompt that the tokens for this conversation have been used up.

Ai Colombia
7 months ago

BROOOOOO!!! Are you real? This is nuuuts!