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Learn Lesson 06 with SithasoIONIC7 using Ionic 7, JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React

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SithasoIONIC7 – Lesson 06

SithasoIONIC7 – Lesson 06

Welcome to Lesson 06 of the SithasoIONIC7 tutorial series. In this lesson, we will be covering some advanced topics in the Ionic 7 framework, including JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React integration.

What is Ionic 7?

Ionic 7 is the latest version of the popular hybrid mobile app development framework, Ionic. It is built on top of Angular, Vue.js, and React, and allows developers to build high-quality mobile and web apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

JavaScript Integration

With Ionic 7, JavaScript integration has been further improved, allowing developers to write native-like mobile apps using JavaScript. This makes it easier for web developers to transition into mobile app development and leverage their existing skills.

Angular Integration

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications, and Ionic 7 has full support for Angular. This means that developers familiar with Angular can seamlessly build mobile apps using Ionic 7 without having to learn a new framework.

Vue.js Integration

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, and Ionic 7 has added support for Vue.js as well. This allows developers to take advantage of the simplicity and ease of use of Vue.js while building mobile apps with Ionic 7.

React Integration

React is a widely-used JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Ionic 7 has extended its support to include React. This enables developers familiar with React to create mobile apps with Ionic 7 using their existing knowledge and skills.


In conclusion, Ionic 7 offers seamless integration with JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, and React, making it a powerful and versatile framework for building mobile and web apps. If you’re a web developer looking to expand into mobile app development, or if you’re already familiar with one of these frameworks, Ionic 7 is definitely worth checking out.

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6 months ago

#ionicframework , #ionic , #b4x , #banano

I this reel we reproduce an example from the ionic documentation and we use the abstract designer to achieve it. We intend for this to reinforce the groundwork. No #angular . No #vuejs . No #react