
Learn Neo4j in Under 2 Minutes

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Neo4j in 100 Seconds

Neo4j in 100 Seconds

Neo4j is a popular graph database that is designed for storing and querying graph data. Graph data represents entities (nodes) and the relationships between them (edges). Neo4j allows users to efficiently store and navigate complex, interconnected data structures.

Some key features of Neo4j include:

  • Native graph database: Neo4j is built from the ground up to handle graph data efficiently, making it a high-performance option for graph data management.
  • Cypher query language: Neo4j uses a declarative query language called Cypher, which allows users to easily write and execute graph queries.
  • Scalability: Neo4j is designed to be highly scalable, making it suitable for handling large and growing datasets.
  • Community support: Neo4j has a strong community of users and developers who contribute to its ongoing development and provide resources and support for users.

Overall, Neo4j is a powerful tool for working with graph data and is a popular choice for applications that require storing and querying complex relationships among data entities.

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2 days ago

Neo4j is the gold standard for graph databases. Try out their awesome new serverless AuraDB for free https://bit.ly/3Jcl6bO

2 days ago

Interviewer: How much experience do you have on Neo4j?
Me: 100 seconds.

2 days ago

I appreciate how you continued the Bob and Alice convention and threw in Chad 0:28

2 days ago

let's add it into my resume

2 days ago

That’s awesome sir thank you for sharing this sir 👍👍👍 2:36

2 days ago

i'm bob fr fr

2 days ago


2 days ago

I just think it's so funny that neo4j show you this exact video in the tutorial😂

2 days ago

Interesting how 100 seconds have been shrinked to its size from much longer reality and it had clearly done by trying to beat some unofficial speed speaking records. The speaker was so badly in a hurry that it was actually funny to focus on to listen to performing itself. Are we really so busy in nowdays that we are not able to spend more than some seconds to get overview of some important topics. Hey man, hold your horses and calm down, remember your blood pressure and nervous system. The roots of many mental and physiological problems can be found in our lifestyle – it is, how stressfull and busy life we have desided to live. Next time, please, speak even 200 seconds but do not tell us more than you are used tell in 100 seconds.

2 days ago


2 days ago

you lost me

2 days ago

That was a everyday 🗓️ interval. It went by

2 days ago

Very concise and a great intro to an in-depth exploration of Neo4j. Thanks mate!

2 days ago

I might get hate on this. I prefer Gremlin over Sparkle or Cypher.

2 days ago

2 days ago

The video is very helpful. Thank you and keep up the good work man.

2 days ago

It would be nice if you try a video like this for EdgeDB 3.0, It really deserves it.

2 days ago

Please make Memgraph 100s

2 days ago

Damn ! 😮

2 days ago

"you have downvoted Bob twice! [incl. one time imposting Alice] how can you ask him to like you?"
i have given up on neo4j [i’ve found it’s made in Java, which one is a dead language]

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