Learn Python GUI with PySimpleGUI – Easy and Simple Tutorial for Beginners

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Python GUI with PySimpleGUI – easy learn 26

Python GUI with PySimpleGUI

Creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Python can be a daunting task for many beginners. However, with PySimpleGUI, creating a simple and intuitive GUI is made easy.

PySimpleGUI is a wrapper for Tkinter and Qt (PySide2). It provides a simple and easy-to-learn interface for creating GUIs in Python. With PySimpleGUI, you can create beautiful and functional GUIs with just a few lines of code.

Getting Started with PySimpleGUI

To get started with PySimpleGUI, you first need to install the library. You can install PySimpleGUI using pip:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Once PySimpleGUI is installed, you can start creating your GUI. Here’s a simple example of a “Hello, World!” GUI using PySimpleGUI:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text('Hello, World!')], [sg.Button('Ok')]]

window = sg.Window('My First GUI', layout)

while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Ok':


With just a few lines of code, you can create a simple GUI with a text label and a button. PySimpleGUI provides a range of widgets and layout options, allowing you to create complex and user-friendly GUIs with ease.

Why PySimpleGUI?

PySimpleGUI is an excellent choice for beginners who want to create GUI applications in Python. Its simple and intuitive interface allows you to focus on the functionality of your application rather than the complexities of GUI programming.

Additionally, PySimpleGUI provides a range of themes and customization options, allowing you to create professional-looking GUIs without the need for extensive design skills.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, PySimpleGUI makes it easy to create beautiful and functional GUIs in Python.


PySimpleGUI is a great choice for anyone looking to create GUI applications in Python. Its simple and intuitive interface, along with its range of customization options, makes it easy to create professional-looking GUIs with minimal effort.

If you’re new to GUI programming or looking for a simple and easy-to-learn way to create GUI applications in Python, give PySimpleGUI a try. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can create beautiful and functional GUIs with just a few lines of code.

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6 months ago

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